A look at the past
Ten Years Ago
The recent decision of two local towns to no longer use the Delano landfill may make the cost of paying for the new landfill in several years more difficult for local residents. At the August 28 Electric City meeting, Mayor Halsey said the town councils of Almira and Wilbur have decided to no longer use the Delano landfill past September 30.
A mistake by the Grant County elections department nearly prevented Electric City voters from helping to decide if the Grand Coulee Dam School District should redistrict. Grant County Auditor Bill Varney said 186 absentee ballots were sent to Electric City residents on August 30 without resolution 03. That resolution determines whether or not the school district reorganizes its districts. He said the mistake had gone unnoticed until Electric City resident Roger Lucas, the school board chairman, noticed the omission and called the county elections department.
Twenty Years Ago
Nicole Thomas and Melanie Bjorkland were credited Saturday with preventing what could have been a very serious accident at Spring Canyon last month when they swam to the aid of a struggling Spokane boy.
Officials from the town of Elmer City and the Grand Coulee Dam School District disagree over the location of a school bus stop that town officials say is dangerous. The location of the stop is at Walker Lane and Front Street.
Seaton’s Grove residents are searching for a way to supply that hamlet with water beyond an announced May 31, 1993, shutdown date.
The Planet Earth Players will hold auditions for its fall production of “The Odd Couple” on Sept. 14 and 15.
Thirty Years Ago
After spending almost 13 years at the same location on Main Street, Grand Coulee, The Star will be moving into new surroundings this week to 3 Midway.
Darla Rae Pryor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rick Pryor of Coulee Dam, has arrived on campus at Cottey College in Nevada for her freshman year.
Cecilio Wilson, 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson of Coulee Dam, had a narrow escape last Saturday afternoon when he was shot by another teenager.
Coulee Christian Academy began its school year Sept. 7, at the First Baptist Church in Electric City with 19 students enrolled through sixth grade.
Forty Years Ago
Brenda Larson, age 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larson of Grand Coulee, won a registered Appaloosa yearling colt for selling the most tickets for the All Girls Rodeo held last weekend.
A new councilman, Kenneth Grant, was sworn in at the Monday night meeting of the Elmer City Council.
The Alpine Beauty Shop, owned and operated by Florence Upton of Elmer City, opened for business in the chalet at Grandview Village.
Fifty Years Ago
New line officers elected Monday for the Order of Rainbow Girls were Denise Perkins, Worthy Advisor; Linda Thurston, Worthy Associate Advisor; Glenda Turner, Charity; Marcia Hubbard, Hope and Linda Gordon, Faith.
Esther Rice and Ione Ridlington were hostesses last Thursday afternoon for a coffee hour in honor of the new Coulee Dam High School faculty members including Ronald Knutson, Freida Mason, Rhoda Fisher, Ellen Nance and Raymond Gilman.
Sixty Years Ago
Ernest and Shirley M. Dietzman have purchased the water system in Electric City. It will be known as Dietzman’s Water Service.
Seventy Years Ago
Grand Coulee Dam, Coulee Dam (Engineer’s Town), Mason City and Grand Coulee were without communication with the outside world last week when thieves cut 10 strands of wire for lines serving Western Union and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company.
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