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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee Police

9/12 - A man who used his credit card to buy cigarettes later noticed it missing. The store where he’d used it didn’t have it, but someone must have taken his card from the counter. More than $400 in clothing was charged to it and sent to a house in Omak. The card was cancelled and police in Omak are checking on the delivery site.

- An Electric City woman living on West Grand called police to say a goat was in an alley behind her place. She said that she tried to coax the goat into her yard but it would either charge her or run. Police couldn’t find the goat.

9/13 - Police responded to a 911 hang-up call on Dill Avenue, where the officer found a couple arguing about who caused the woman to become pregnant. The officer told the couple to be civil to each other and left.

- Police were advised by the Dept. of Corrections that a man on Taylor Street had failed to show up for a meeting. Police became aware that the man had been visiting a known felon, which is against DOC rules, in the Delano area. The man was apprehended moments later in Electric City and taken to Grant County Jail.

9/14 - A woman residing on Spokane Way told police that she had a verbal encounter with the person living next door and in the morning her tire was flat. Police noted two tires had been sliced and some scratches put on the car. The person next door denied having done anything. Damage was estimated at $2,000.

- A woman reported that three young men had acted suspiciously while walking down “E” Street and that she saw them “stash” something near a light pole. The officer found a motorcycle helmet and gloves. The three were later found near Pole Park and one explained that he put the items there and that they were going to a football game. The boy’s story checked out.

9/15 - An Electric City couple told police that they couldn’t find the keys to their two vehicles and that the key ring also held a key to their house. Police are trying to locate persons the couple thought might have taken the keys.

- The lack of a flagger at the Four Corners intersection caused some traffic problems, and triathlon officials were advised and sent a flagger to the spot to keep the bike contestants and cars apart.

- An officer checked on a report of a loose dog on Roosevelt that was defecating in people’s yards. The owner of the dog was advised of the problem and she said she would try to keep the dog inside or in the yard.

- An Electric City woman on Coulee Boulevard East told police that her son had received some strange “instant messages” on his Facebook account. The boy’s father sent a reply back to tell the party to stop the messages. The family wanted police to know about the incident in case it continued.

9/17 - A Grand Coulee man is being sought as a suspect in a car theft. The owner of the car said the suspect had been staying with him, and that he went to bed and when he got up both the man and his car were gone.

- A person told police that an injured deer was seen on Grand Coulee’s Main Street. Police checked but couldn’t find the deer.


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