Ten Years Ago
As part of the 21st Century, coordinator Earl Antone organized a open gym and movie night for the residents of Nespelem. Antone targeted struggling youth in the area specifically looking for the area’s drop outs. Antone had worked for Nespelem School before taking his assignment.
The Bureau of Reclamation released a report finding “ No significant impact” on the community and area with the new firing range that is being built for the increased security guards at Grand Coulee Dam, despite the letters being written by citizens with their concern about the noise it would generate.
Dick Taylor presented his cross stitch creation to The Singing Nuns at St. Michael's Convent. It took Taylor 900 hours and 9 months to complete.
Lake Roosevelt Raider football won their first game of the year, a 27-7 victory over Bridgeport. Marcus Ramos ran for 76 yards and touchdown and JD Strocher had 18 tackles to lead the team.
Twenty Years Ago
Johnny (1st Grade) and Molly McNeil (5th Grade) got to travel to WSU and be Junior Cougars for a day. They were picked from a group of 900 students trying for the honor.
Navy Airman Brandon White reported for duty aboard the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. Brandon is a 1992 graduate of Lake Roosevelt.
Mason City High celebrated its 50th class reunion with a special tour of Grand Coulee Dam. Most of the class fathers were the original operators and helped develop operation standards.
Lake Roosevelt High School volleyball made a statement with a big win against Oroville. Karen Lyngholm made her presence known from the start serving two aces to start the match.Raiders won 3 of 4 matches.
Wright Elementary held an open house for all students and parents. It was a chance for the students to show what they have been learning so far in school.
Thirty Years Ago
According to officials at USBR tourism has increased at the Dam due to the 50th Anniversary publicity. The tour count has increased significantly from a year ago doubling last year’s numbers. 102,118 people receiving a tour in 1982 increasing to 215,756 so far in 1983.
Doris Cobb of Coulee Dam caught a 9-pound walleye Wednesday evening. She stated she and her husband had only been fishing ten minutes when she got the bite.
Belva Flowers announced her plans to retire from Security Bank. A retirement party is being planned to honor her service to the banking branch.
The Ridge Riders held their annual play day this week. Members competed in many rodeo events to keep their skills up and just have fun.
Forty Years Ago
A search and rescue group has been organized in the Grand Coulee Dam area and it plans to work closely with all four sheriff offices in the area. Instructor Mike Dennis said that the nine men in the group are trained to handle many different rescue situations. The rescue team consists of Mike Muller, Fred Manzer, Allen Webley, Tim Hurley, Richard Thompson, Archie Dennis, Bob Dennis, Doug Oliver, Virgil Morehead and Steve Miles.
Grand Coulee City Council decided at its last council meeting that both men and woman deserve maternity leave equally. They also granted a building permit to Grant County PUD to build a new Service Center.
Lake Roosevelt Raiders football lost to a high-ranked and high-powered Omak Pioneers team but not without scoring their first touchdown of the year. A 15-yard pass from Bob Drake to Vernon Jose in the second quarter. John Berland was named Defensive Player of the game and won a free dinner courtesy of Wright Chevrolet and Bob Davis was named Offensive Player of the week and received a meal from the WildLife Restaurant.
A library bond was announced this week to be on the November ballot. If passed, a new public library will be built across the street from Carl Russell Tire Center.
Fifty Years Ago
Miss Karen Lea McKee was united in marriage to Lee G. Hemmer at Coulee Dam Community Church during a candlelight ceremony August 24. The ceremony was performed by Rev. William Woodworth.
Grand Coulee Dam Lions Club will sponsor the third annual “All Girl Rodeo.” To be held this weekend in the Ridge Riders Arena. It’s open to all ages to compete in bareback riding, steer riding, wild cow milking, goat tying, ribbon roping, barrel racing, and steer undecorating. Martha Finch will be this year’s clown. She has performed at the last two “ All Girl Rodeo Championships”.
Mrs. Warren Smith is the new owner of Smitty’s Corner, formally known as Coulee Heights Fountain and Grill. Mrs. Smith says her specialties will be home-made ice cream and 20-cent hamburgers.
Coulee Dam Beavers beat Wilbur Redskins in football 12-7. Pat Zlateff scored both Beaver touchdowns on runs of 10 yards and 55 yards.
Sixty Years Ago
Grand Coulee Tigers Football crushed Omak last friday night 40-7. Roy Rice scored the first Tiger touchdown on a goal line plunge in the second quarter and Jim Cook followed minutes later on a quarterback sneak.
Last week the hunting dog belonging to Bill Brechtbill was bitten by a large rattlesnake near Belvedere. Brechtbill shot the snake and then rushed the dog to the office of Doctor Harmon Harrison where anti-venom shots where given to the dog. The dog was then taken to a vet in Spokane. It is reported the dog recovered.
The Petticoat Wranglers will hold their regular dance on Saturday night at Columbia School. Dances will start at 8:30 following an instruction period.
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