News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area


Odessa to get meat plant

The Odessa Public Development Authority (OPDA) has signed a design-build contract with Spokane based Garco Construction for a new 7,000 square foot USDA livestock processing facility to be built in the Odessa Industrial Park.

The facility will serve small to mid-sized producers. The new plant will offer USDA carcass inspection, processing, packaging and improved access to retail markets previously unavailable to local producers.

It’s scheduled to open in May.

The new facility will reportedly bring 10 to 15 jobs to both Lincoln County and surrounding counties, improve food security for the region and give consumers pasture to plate traceability — a service not available in the area for most producers or consumers.

No pot allowed at medical center

Coulee Medical Center issued a statement last week noting that it remains a drug-free workplace, meaning no marijuana allowed despite the passage of Initiative 502 by state voters last month.

The hospital must follow federal law, which requires a drug-free workplace to be eligible for contracts and grants.

“Unless and until federal law removes the link between prohibiting possession and use of marijuana and eligibility for federal funding, we will continue to uphold federal law,” said CEO and Superintendent, J. Scott Graham.

It’s Campbell

by 10

Okanogan County will seat Ray Campbell as commissioner of District 2, assuming its election canvassing board certifies a recount of votes finished Tuesday. The mandatory recount found a slim 10 votes giving the nod to Campbell, who garnered 7,190 compared to Bud Hover’s 7,180. Certification is scheduled for Thursday at 10 a.m.


The number of Little Smokies Pepper Jack’s cooked up for the chamber of commerce fund raiser last Saturday night.

Tribes plans

wellness event

The Colville Confederated Tribes plans a community wellness event Dec. 10-14, to deal with issues of youth violence, bullying and suicide prevention. The event will be held at the Keller Community Center, and will have activity each day from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Wednesday will be training for trainers and the wellness event will be held Thursday and Friday.

Caring parents

Both Center School and Grand Coulee Dam Middle School reported a high turnout of parents for the recent parent-teacher conferences. Center School reported a near 100-percent participation, and the middle school 67 percent.

HIV tests


Persons between the ages of 13 and 64 should get tested for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) the Grant County Health District advised last week as part of its World Aids Day program.

The health district reported that 56 persons in Grant County have tested positive for HIV since 1982. In order to stop the epidemic, people have to recognize the magnitude of the disease, health district officials stated. In 2010, more than 47,000 US residents were newly diagnosed with HIV. World AIDS Day was Dec. 1.


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