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Volunteer of the year nomination: Earl Cole

Letters to the Editor

I would like to nominate Earl Cole for Volunteer of the Year. Earl has been helping elderly people with yard work for a good many years. If you need a tree pruned, a yard mowed, leaves raked or just about anything else, he has done it.

Working at the transfer station I see him hauling load after load of yard waste. I always ask him when he will be finished and he usually says “just a couple more loads and I’m done.” That never happens though.

Once people see him helping others he always has more. This past fall, Earl told he had one last load, when I asked him about it, he told me he had driven past the home of an elderly lady and the yard was a mess and he knew she couldn’t take care of it herself. So Earl raked the leaves and hauled them away.

It is nice to live in a community where there are people like Earl to help those that can’t do for themselves, or afford to pay to have work done. Good job, Earl.

Randy Gumm


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