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Friends of Rachel Club holds community meeting

Friends of Rachel Club members from Lake Roosevelt High School and Grand Coulee Dam Middle School Monday shared their message about the positive impact that Rachel’s Challenge is having in their schools, said Lee Seekins, director of the school district’s 21st Century CLC Grant programs.

Rachel’s Challenge is “a series of student empowering programs and strategies that equip students and adults to combat bullying and allay feelings of isolation and despair by creating a culture of kindness and compassion,” the national organization’s website states. “The programs are based on the writings and life of 17-year-old Rachel Scott who was the first student killed at Columbine High School in 1999.” It was started by her father and step-mother.

The owners of Village Cinema donated the theater for the student program at no cost to the Friends of Rachel or SHARP Kids Program. A family friendly movie, Frankenweenie, was shown at the conclusion of the student presentations for those students and families wishing to stay.

Village Cinema also waived the cost of admissions for those families donating canned goods for the benefit of the local food bank.

More than 140 people attended the event and more than five boxes of food will be donated to the local food bank on behalf of Village Cinema and the Friends of Rachel, Seekins said.


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