Assignments made
Electric City made council assignments for the new year at its meeting last Tuesday night.
Assignments made were: Bob Rupe and John Nordine, health and welfare committee; Brad Parrish and Lonna Bussert, parks; Rupe and Nordine, city streets; Jerry Sands, Rupe and Parrish, water and sewer; Marie Chuinard and Nordine, tourism and hotel-motel; Bussert and Chuinard, audit.
The city’s building inspector is Ken Anderson; the city’s code compliance officer is Gary Haven and City Clerk Jacqueline Perman is public records officer.
to district court
The board of Okanogan County commissioners announced last week the selection of Charles Short for the position of District Court Judge, effective Jan. 15. He replaces Henry “Hank” Rawson who vacated the position to assume duties as Superior Court Judge.
in half
The Regional Board of Mayors voted to meet every other month instead of monthly at their meeting Monday afternoon. The four mayors will meet next at 4 p.m. March 12, at Electric City’s council room,
The Regional Board of Mayors reported that the Delano Regional Transfer Station came within $533.27 in revenue in 2012, of its total of $411,755.96 taken in during 2011.
The Grand Coulee Community January blood drive will be held Monday, Jan. 28, from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the old clinic lobby at Coulee Medical Center. Donors can sign up online at ( or walk-ins are welcome.
Due to the Martin Luther King holiday this coming Monday, Jan. 21, all schools, banks and post offices will be closed.
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