News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Coulee Recollections

A look at the past

Ten Years Ago

Jerry Beiermanwas selected as Volunteer of the Year for 2002.

A long-term plan for Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area’s new superintendent will develop after she gets to know the area for a couple months. “I intend to develop a vision in the next six to nine months for a five year plan,” said Deborah Bird. She plans to watch, listen and observe in order to discover ways that Grand Coulee, Electric City, Coulee Dam and Elmer City can work together in a mutually efficient way with the Colville Tribes in the area.

The Raider wrestlers improved their record to 3-1 in Caribou Trail League action as they pounded Okanogan 48-28 Thursday night. The win sets up a big match this Friday as the Raiders host Liberty Bell. A win by the Raiders would put them in a tie with Tonasket at 4-1 in the final league standings.

Twenty Years Ago

The Colville Confederated Tribes are interested in bringing an energy production plant to the reservation. Several spots have been identified as possible sites for a natural gas fired energy plant that could produce electricity for sale using gas piped down from British Columbia. But according to CCT Business Council Vice Chairman Dale Kohler, before a shovel full of dirt is ever turned on such a project, they’ll have to have contracts in hand.

David Portch, co-owner of Loepp Furniture and Appliance in Grand Coulee, was named Business Person of the Year at the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce annual awards banquet Saturday night. Sharon Hollingsworth who with her husband operates the Sears Roebuck and Co. store in Grand Coulee, was named Chamber Achiever of the Year.

When guests at the Four Winds Guest House in Coulee Dam meet their host Dick Taylor, chances are the last thing that pops into their minds is the thought - “Aha, here is a man who enjoys stitching little crosses into pieces of linen!” But it is true. Taylor took up cross-stitch about three years ago.

Thirty Years Ago

Ron Banick, president of the Grand Coulee Lion’s Club, presented a $100 check to Tom Goodwin, Commander of the Grand Coulee Dam Legion Post #157 and Ken Skorheim Post Boys’ State Chairman. This check will enable the post to sent another boy to Boys’ State at Ellensburg in 1983.

Tours of the Right Powerhouse and Third Power Plant at Grand coulee Dam will once again be available beginning Jan. 20. The tour route across the top of the dam has been closed since mid-October because of repair work.

Navy Seamen Gary Haven, Barton Black and Robert Farmer are members of the battleship USS New Jersey, home-ported in Long Beach, Calif.

Ray, Susan and Nathan Dashiell are happy to announce the arrival of Kathryn (Katie) Jeanne to their family on Jan. 7.

Forty Years Ago

Marine Cpl. Glenn W. McLelland, son of Mrs. Louise McLelland of Grand Coulee, was awarded his first Good Conduct Certificate by his C.O., Major J.P. Reilly.

New officers for the Nespelem Drum and Feather Club are: Joe Redthunder, re-elected to serve as president; Bernard Picard, vice president; Jeannie Moon, treasurer and Anne George, secretary.

Fifty Years Ago

In Grand Coulee, Ralph Nachtman announced the forthcoming sale of his KFDR radio station to Mr. and Mrs. E. Pournelle of Anchorage, Alaska.

In Elmer City two new members elected to positions on the Irrigation Co-op Board are Charles Holm and Don Jess.

In Coulee Dam new officers for the Chamber of Commerce are President Charles Wendt; vice president James Tillman; secretary/treasurer Rod Hartman, and directors Mildred Bixler, Elmer Tombre, Gary Akers and Howard Bowman.

Sixty Years Ago

The newly decorated FVW Hall at Delano will be the scene of a public dance Saturday night.

Margaret Coleman was hostess to the members of the Grand Coulee Pinochle Club at her home Thursday afternoon.


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