News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Coulee Recollections

A look at the past

Ten Years Ago

Arguments against an additional drawdown of Banks Lake next August centered around two premises at a meeting in Coulee City last night: one legal, the other heartfelt. No one at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s meeting spoke in favor of the 10-foot drawdown, proposed to help endangered salmon by increasing river volume rushing past McNary Dam. Not refilling Banks Lake completely would leave one or two percent more water in the Columbia River.

In the end, the wrestling powers in District 6 came to the top as Lake Roosevelt and Tonasket battled it out for the championship Saturday night. Tonasket took the team title 292 to 240.

The Lake Roosevelt girls’ team spent the last week on the road, losing 80-40 in Brewster on Feb. 4, and 63-45 to Liberty Bell Friday.

Twenty Years Ago

Department of Wildlife agents cited four fishermen Saturday night for minor violations near the outlet of the feeder canal that delivers water to Banks Lake.

A throng of about 30 people crowded the Electric City town hall Monday night. Most wanted the Regional Board of Mayors to know that they think all four towns should help fund Coulee Dam’s swimming pool, which is not scheduled to open this summer.

Married for nearly 58 years, Dorothy and John George of Elmer City were highlighted in a Valentine story.

Selected as Pirate of the Week was Jessica Sanderson.

Seven Raider wrestlers advanced to regionals this week. They include Joey Stiles, Marc Barry, Mike Murray, Ron Louie, Jackson Louie, Phill Provost and Kevin Hannahs.

Thirty Years Ago

Airman Richard L. Rooney, son of Richard W. and Dee Rooney of Grand Coulee and Airman Kathleen A. Thurlby, daughter of John. M. Thurlby and Donna Jones of Grand Coulee, have completed training at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.

The GCD Area Chamber of Commerce wants input for the upcoming 50th anniversary of Grand Coulee Dam.

The Grand Coulee City Council approved a new procedure for capturing loose dogs with a trap.

The first buttercup of the year was found by Justin and Jeremiah Green on the Green’s ranch on Manila Creek.

Forty Years Ago

Congressman Tom Foley has been named Chairman of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock and Grains.

Robert Seiler of Grand Coulee has been promoted to Superintendent of the State Highway Department of Electric City Division. He replaces Arnold Waterman, who retired as of that date.

Fifty Years Ago

In the Grand Coulee, six new members were enrolled at the Moose Lodge. They were Farrell West, Jack Benton, Dutch Starzman, Jerry Wood, William Crespi and Dave Stevens.

At Electric City, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Snyder and family of Idaho were with her mother, Mrs. Les Adams.

At Elmer City Mr. and Mrs. Bud Fowler of Elk and Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward of Medical Lake were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Swede Nelson.

Sixty Years Ago

Lyman D. Stamper, superintendent of Grand Coulee Schools, Dave Rawe and Walter Thurston of the school board and Clarence Rawe, grade school principal, attended the Columbian Basin Development Association meeting at Pasco. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss school problems and funds for running the schools.

The Grand Coulee police department asks the cooperation of motorists in refraining from parking their cars in the safety zone in front of Roosevelt Theater.

Those residents from Grand Coulee High School who made the semester honor roll were Bob Rose, Ruth Ingalls, Phil Whitehall, Maureen Seibold, Ivetta Morgan, Mary High, Pat Short, Kay Loepp, Margaret Ziegler, Matthew Pachosa, Bill Rawe, Eileen Kurty, Carol Setty, Don Cole and Marlene Geraud.


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