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An open letter to the tribal council

Letters to the Editor

Sin...redemption--being right or wrong. Are you so righteously ‘right’ that you allow yourself to stoop down, in servitude to evil … instead of being true to yourself … true to your reservation, and, most importantly, true to your own Colville tribal peoples: The Colville Confederated Tribes.

Never before in all my 49 years of Colville tribal political participation through simply voting in annual tribal elections have I seen such outright evil, retaliatory bitterness, such mean and ugliness as is currently being delivered by what we now know as our Colville Tribal Council. In selfish personal agenda and without conscience to wrongdoing, council is methodically destroying the Colville Confederated Tribes: fiscally, administratively and perhaps even as a people, a tribe.

It is my sincere opinion and most passionate belief that it is NOW time for the membership to become informed … become involved: sign sign sign at a ‘recall all’ petition rally near you!!!

YES, Colville tribal peoples, the very sustainability of our tribe and our tribal reservation is truly at risk … sign petitions NOW.

Truman V. Covington



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