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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


2/19 - An officer checked on a reported traffic hazard near milepost 24 in Electric City and found a trailer disconnected from its tractor and blocking the roadway. After the trailer was connected the roadway was opened up for traffic.

- Police were asked to stand by at a report of domestic violence on W. Cardinal Road in Delano until Grant County deputies arrived.

- Police were advised that a vehicle was parked across from a house on Partello Street with its lights shining on the house and with music being played loudly on its radio. When police arrived the vehicle had left. The resident asked that patrols be made during the night.

2/20 - A man who owns a home on Goodfellow Street in Electric City said it had been entered by taking screws out of a door. A mirror had been broken. Police found a smoking pipe inside the house but the owner said it wasn’t his. Damage to the house was estimated to be about $200.

- A woman asked police to assist her in getting her property from her boyfriend’s house in Grand Coulee. She said the items were things she had bought for her baby. Police advised the woman to get a court order to get her items and come up with a parenting plan.

- Plant Protection advised police that a Nissan truck was near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam, and that the load in the back was about ready to fall out in the roadway. Police were notified that the truck had stopped and the male driver urinated in the parking lot.

- Police were advised that a wanted person was outside an apartment on Hill Avenue. He was gone when police arrived.

- A woman on Burdin Boulevard told police that she had just witnessed a drug deal. The vehicle concerned was gone when police arrived, but they received the license number.

2/21 - A Burdin Boulevard man was issued two tickets for altering the dates on his trip permit. His car was impounded and he could receive additional charges from the prosecutor’s office.

- An officer was called to the middle school after two sixth-grade students got into a fight in the classroom. School officials suspended the two girls for five days.

- A resident on Roosevelt Drive told police he thought someone was trying to get into his neighbor’s house. Police checked and couldn’t find any evidence of an attempted forced entry.

- Police stopped a speeding vehicle on B Street for going 13 mph over the limit, and later issued the driver a ticket for not having insurance.

2/22 - A woman who lives on W. Grand Avenue in Electric City asked police to enter her home and remove a woman she didn’t want there. She made the request by phone and asked police to go ahead and enter her home. Police found the woman and told her she was banned from the house. Police also found a man inside, wanted on two warrants. They arrested him and took him to Grant County Jail.

- A man asked police to check on his property on Goodfellow in Electric City. Police checked the empty house and found a woman’s shoes, but no one was inside at the time.

2/23 - Police were notified of an injured deer near the Delano landfill. Police found the animal and put it out of its misery. A city crew removed the animal.

- A man on Williams Street in Electric City informed police that some juveniles had reported finding a number of prescription drug bottles on a hillside nearby. The juveniles took the officer to the location and the officer found 10 bottles, five of them on which he could read the name of the recipient. The drugs were taken as evidence.

- A driver was stopped for going 16 mph over the speed limit coming down Martin Road and was cited.

- A woman on Burdin Boulevard complained to police that her neighbor was blowing leaves into her yard. Police arrived and asked the woman to stop.

- A man on Fortuyn Road told police that someone had stolen the license plate off a car on his property.

- Police were advised of a large rock on SR-155 near milepost 15. Police notified the Department of Transportation of the problem.

2/25 - A woman living in Continental Heights reported to police that a person helping her with her computer took her laptop and also the hard drive out of her personal computer. Police are investigating.

2/26 - A woman on Burdin Boulevard complained about a vehicle stuck on the sidewalk near her home. Police learned that a woman who was backing up her vehicle got it stuck on concrete steps leading to the residence.

Coulee Dam


2/19 - Police stopped a vehicle driving after dark without its headlamps on. The driver received a warning.

- A driver’s tail light was out and his reverse lights were continuously lit. He received a warning.

- A muddy license plate was the reason for a driver to get pulled over. A little elbow grease and a good rub cleared up the problem.

2/20 - Police were alerted to an abandoned vehicle on Crest Drive and Civic Way. The officer learned that the owner worked for the National Park Service nearby.

2/22 - Police answered a call to River Drive where there was a disabled vehicle. The driver told police that deer had come out in front of his vehicle and he swerved to miss them and hit the guardrail. The town crew directed traffic until police arrived. The driver couldn’t produce his driver’s license, proof of insurance and registration. Police learned that his license had been suspended. He told police that he had insurance, but when police checked it out, his insurance had expired a year ago. He received a citation for driving while suspended and for the insurance problem. His car was towed.

2/25 - Police checked on a hangup 9-1-1 call from a house on Aspen Street. The report stated that police had responded to the same location on other 9-1-1 hangup calls. A woman who answered the door said there wasn’t any problem at the residence.


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