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Tree sculptures to get new bases

Wooden sculptures in Mason City Park will get their final touches as a result of action of the Coulee Dam Town Council last Wednesday night.

The sculptures were made from the trunks of two trees that blew over in a wild wind storm last year. The evergreens provided shade for the play and picnic areas in the park.

The council voted to let a contract to cut the sculptures loose, and prepare the area around them so they could be bracketed down permanently. The contractor will pour a concrete pad for each of the trees and place crushed rock around the pads.

Public Works director Barry Peacock told the council that it would take about $11,500 to accomplish the task.

Mayor Quincy Snow said it was the intent of the town to plant some shade trees after the work on the sculptures was done.

Jacob Lucas, of Creative Creations, who had done the sculptured trees along the street in Bridgeport, was hired to come in and, using his chainsaw, develop art from the two tree trunks.

One he sculpted into a large fish, and on the other, an assortment of animals and birds. One of the trunks was about nine feet tall and the other over 12 feet.

The contractor, Peacock stated, would cut the two sculptures free, their root systems removed, and the bases would be developed.

Peacock said the fish sculpture would be slanted to suggest a swimming fish.

It was also pointed out to the council that the work would be paid for through hotel/motel tax funds already in the bank. He said the town crew would assist with its backhoe.

That prompted councilman Bob Poch to ask if the city’s expenses for staff and equipment use could also be charged against hotel/motel money, and Peacock said he thought so.

The work will be started soon, Peacock noted.


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