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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


4/1 - An officer checked on a stalled vehicle on SR-155, and found that a man’s vehicle had overheated and he was waiting for it to cool down before moving it.

4/2 - A bartender at Wolf’s Den Bar told police that two men had entered a restroom and written racially offensive words above the toilet and tipped over a shelf. One of the men was big, bald, and had a lot of tattoos on his arms and legs. Police, after looking over the city, could not find the suspects, the report stated.

- A woman being treated at Coulee Medical Center told officers that she had been beaten by her daughter after an argument at their Federal Avenue residence. Police went to the residence and found the daughter in bed, arrested her, and took her to Grant County Jail, where she faces domestic violence charges.

- A person turned in bank cards and a set of keys found at North Dam Park. Police are trying to locate the owner.

4/3 - A man reported a strange car parked near his house on Lakeview Boulevard NE. Police found it had been stolen from Coulee City on 3/28. The report stated that whoever had the car had wiped it clean, but left a cigarette butt in the car along with two socks.

- A woman on Bowen Street reported that young men were breaking windows in a vehicle with a baseball bat across the street from her. Police checked the residence nearby and found a golf club that had glass particles on it and later arrested a young man and took him to Grant County juvenile, charging him with malicious mischief.

- Center School reported that someone had taken chalk and written on the playground and turned over some garbage cans, and that one room was in disarray.

- A man on West Cardinal Road was taken into custody after a domestic dispute in which he kept striking with a knife a door behind which his wife was barricaded. He left the residence but was found on Hill Avenue.

4/8 - Police received a call that a man had walked away from Coulee Medical Center against medical advice. The officer found the man outside the emergency room, wearing one shoe. He told the officer that his other shoe was inside. The man returned to the emergency room for treatment.

- Coulee Medical Center officials advised police that someone had entered a physician’s temporary residence and stolen a 32-inch flat screen television set. Entry was made through a bedroom window. The television was the only thing taken.

Coulee Dam


3/31 - A woman was stopped near Riley Point because her vehicle license tabs had expired. She told the officer that she had received a citation in Tonasket for her expired tabs and a verbal warning for not having insurance. The officer wrote her a ticket for not having insurance and gave her a verbal warning on the tab problem.

- A Grand Coulee woman was stopped by police near Pole Park for not wearing a seat belt. She received a verbal warning.

- A man was stopped near the top of the dam for having a faulty brake light. Police found that the driver didn’t have a license. The driver contacted a friend to come and take charge of the vehicle.

4/1 - A woman contacted police to tell the officer that some young people had rung her doorbell and then fled in a small truck. Police saw the vehicle and stopped it. The driver said a friend lived at that house and they had just pulled a “prank.” Police told the young people not to do it again.

- Police stopped two different drivers and told them to get their studded tires off. No citations, just a warning.

4/4 - Police checked on a report that a male was running in and out of traffic on the Coulee Dam hill. The young man denied he was running through traffic and said he was just going up to Grand Coulee to see friends. He was told to stay out of the roadway. Later, the youth was reported as a runaway from Elmer City and was stopped farther up the hill and taken to his home.

- Police got a report that a man was slumped over his vehicle steering wheel outside the casino. The officer found a man playing video games on his phone and who said he was just waiting for his friend to get off work at the casino.

- A man burning material in his Camas Street backyard told officers he would extinguish the blaze.

- Police observed a vehicle swerve on the Coulee Dam hill to avoid hitting a sheet of plywood on the roadway. The officer stopped and removed the plywood.

- Police were called to Pine Street where a neighbor had seen a young man force open the door to a residence nearby. When the officer arrived, he found that another officer had the boy in the back of his patrol car.

4/5 - A man on Central Drive reported to police that several young people had been in his yard. One youth said that he was there trying to get a wifi signal. The youth were told it was illegal for them to be on someone else’s property without permission.

4/6 - Police followed a vehicle to the Coulee Dam Casino after the officer saw the driver swerve over the center line. When ordered out of the vehicle and to show his hands the driver refused to cooperate and repeatedly reached around his waist and the car. Two officers had to take the man down and put restraints on him. Police checked and found the man had a felony warrant out for his arrest. The man was injured in the takedown and was taken to Coulee Medical Center for treatment and then to Okanogan County Jail. Grand Coulee sent an officer as a standby during the incident.

4/7 - Police checked on a 911 call on Riverview Drive. The resident said he didn’t call 911, but that everytime it rains it initiates a 911 call.


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