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How about a community forum?

Jess Shut Up

Many people have come up to me over the last two weeks telling me they agree with consolidation [that the four towns should be joined]. I suspect there are many more of you out there. So let’s rally the troops and talk more about this. As a matter of fact, let’s talk about all the issues in the area. It would be a chance for the citizens of the area to voice their concerns in a public setting. Not in a council meeting or in the grocery store. It would also be a chance for incumbent mayors and council people to hear your concerns first hand. This forum could also be a place for potential candidates to gauge their issues and look for supporters. A true open forum, with questions being read or spoken on all issues that are important to Coulee Country.

So we would need an organization to form this discussion, to control the forum and mediate it. The Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce seems like the appropriate entity. The place and time would have to be determined but we would need current council members and possible candidates to show up and be open to the discussion. We would also need the mayors to be willing to show up too. But most of all, we would need you to show up. With your voice and your concerns and ideas. Make your voice important and heard by all our local leaders. Consolidation, trees, celebrations, dogs, sewer treatment plants, chickens, poverty, business, jobs and the landfill, whatever your concern of beef it would be an opportunity for others to hear it and maybe act on it. It would be open for everyone. It would not matter if you where 12 or 112, your voice would matter.

I volunteer to be mediator for this discussion, and I am pretty sure that others will come forward too, to help set this all up. So what do you say citizens of the Coulee, you up for this?

OK, I’m off the soap box. Tonight, the local Young Life group is putting on a comedy show at Faith Community Church. A lot of our local youth are involved in this hilarious event. I got a sneak peek at the show Monday night, and you will not want to miss this. Many times I laughed till the tears came rolling down. It’s for a good cause too; they are raising money for their summer camp trip to Malibu. So you better get there tonight, it’s going to be a great time.

The triple fish challenge was last weekend, and it was a success despite the weather. My hat is off to those who toughed it out all weekend in the wind and rain. Next year will be better weather; well, it can’t be much worse anyway.

Enjoy the warmer weather; I think the sun is here to stay for awhile now. Time to start getting the yard cleaned up and the garden ready. I can taste the fresh tomatoes already.


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