Walk-in freezer
bid accepted
Coulee Dam council voted to accept a bid of $8,650.60 from Cascade Mechanical of Omak to replace the walk-in freezer at the Melody Restaurant. The Community Building The Melody is located in is owned by the town. The space is being refitted so it can be reopened. Two bids were received, just $58 apart.
Tapping hotel/
motel funds
The Coulee Dam council passed a $21,000 budget amendment last Wednesday night to move money from their hotel/motel fund to pay for the following: Ridge Riders, $5,000; Coulee Corridor, $1,000; and to build brackets for the Mason City Park wood carvings, $15,000.
Cars and more
now surplus
A number of items have been surplused by the Coulee Dam Town Council. The items include two older pickups, two 2003 Crown Victoria police cars, several bicycles, some radios and technology equipment.
Water reduced to farmers
The Bureau of Reclamation temporarily reduced water deliveries Tuesday to irrigation districts in the Columbia Basin Project while engineers assess damage to the Main Canal just below Pinto Dam.
Water flows in the canal were reduced so work crews could get to the collapsed concrete panel and assess the damage. Flows were at 7,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) when the crack was reported by a canal ditch rider on Monday.
“We’re reducing flows in the Main Canal, and expect the canal to be at its lowest level by Wednesday evening,” Ephrata Field Office Manager Stephanie Utter said. “While repairs are taking place there will be some disruption in water deliveries directly from the West and East Low Canals later this week.”
The canal will be monitored continuously as repairs are made and water flows are eventually restored early next week. Officials indicate that there is no immediate threat to public safety while this repair work is taking place.
Irrigators with questions should contact their respective water master offices.
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