Letters to the Editor
Thank you for publicly supporting Guillermo during this difficult time.
I have known Guillermo for the past thirteen years. Guillermo is one of the most honest, caring, and thoughtful individuals that I have ever encountered. He is committed to helping young people be successful in school and in life.
I last saw Guillermo in January. During his school vacation, he visited my school in Seattle to spend a day observing my classroom and others in an effort to improve his practice. Guillermo consistently tries to learn new skills and teaching strategies. He is committed to being the best teacher possible for his students in Grand Coulee.
I was very surprised and saddened to hear that Guillermo had been arrested. He is a highly skilled and dedicated professional who is selflessly serving the youth of Grand Coulee. His students need him and it would be a huge loss to that community if he were not to return.
I hope this unfortunate situation is resolved soon so that the kids of Lake Roosevelt High School can have their teacher back.
Noah Zeichner
Seattle, Wash.
Regardless of how nice a person is, using a United States citizen’s Social Security number is still a felony last time I checked.
Do you really want a felon to teach our young people?
If this person could have become a citizen and you feel it was wasted, he wasted it himself when he went to work falsifying his information and used a Social Security number that was not his own.
Walla Walla has a lot of sons, brothers, fathers and husbands that were really nice people until they made a big mistake.
Remember, kids learn from their teachers.
I truly believe we have compromised our standards of living more than enough.
How can you trust someone that lives a lie?
I think it is sad and we need to try to help our young people understand there are legal and illegal ways to improve our lives.
The students that this teacher was a role model for very possibly need counseling.
Band or no band, he turned out not to be the person they thought he was.
Holly Allen
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