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So she's running for mayor

Letters to the Editor

About one year ago, I noticed something was going to happen with the Sewer Treatment Plant. I became curious. I attended meetings and began looking into Elmer City’s expenditures for sewer. I kept reading and researching and asking for further information. None of the answers made any sense to me. We are a very small community with a varied population. Many of our citizens have lived here for decades. Could our residents afford this project? No. My friends in Coulee Dam can’t afford it either.

My findings proved that many of us living here face a huge, unaffordable utility bill. Elmer City is billed quarterly by the town of Coulee Dam. The invoice for the sewer treatment is based on the flow measured and calculated at the plant. Elmer City’s flow rate has varied between 18 and 28 percent. The total cost of operation of the plant has risen significantly in the past few years, with Elmer City’s share averaging 13 percent per year. Since Coulee Dam’s share was increasing about half as fast (7 percent a year), there were even more questions. Perhaps the mystery has been solved. A professional audit is required.

We need to keep Elmer City from going bankrupt and to keep this community affordable for everyone. I will be filing for the office of mayor this week. Wish me luck everyone.

Gail Morin


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