News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area





for holiday

The Star newspaper office will be closed Monday, May 27, due to the Memorial Day holiday. Regular hours will resume on Tuesday, May 28, at 9 a.m. Articles for the May 29 issue of The Star should be in the office by Friday, May 24, by 5 p.m.

Army group looking



The Second (Indianhead) Division Association is searching for anyone who ever served in the Army’s 2nd Infantry Division at any time. For information about the association and its annual reunion in Columbus, Georgia, from Sept. 17-21, 2013, contact secretary-treasurer Bob Haynes, at or (224) 225-1202.




Does your summer recreation include pulling a trailer? The Washington State Patrol would like to remind motorists that the maximum speed limit in Washington when pulling a trailer is 60 mph. Increased speed also increases the likelihood of the trailer whipping and weaving causing loss of control, so anyone pulling a trailer must follow the maximum speed posted for trucks.

Lake debris should

make boaters cautious

The current high run off combined with low Lake Roosevelt levels are causing some floating wood debris to escape from the established catch boom facilities at China Bar and the mouth of the Kettle River, warns Eric Weatherman of Columbia Navigation Inc.

Floating debris entering the lake will flow downstream with the normal river currents. Boaters should use caution, especially during times of high wind or wave action that can make floating wood debris hard to see during boat travel.

As the Lake continues to fill, it will refloat once-sunken and exposed debris found along the beaches that have dried out and become buoyant once again. Such debris floats low in the water and will eventually sink once again after being exposed to the rising waters.

Floating wood debris pieces that can be encountered in Lake Roosevelt will range in size from typical bark nuggets to full size tree length stems that can have root systems attached. Caution should be taken when approaching or passing by any large debris pieces taking special consideration for the possibility of additional length that may be just under the water surface


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