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Coulee Recollections

Ten Years Ago

The public has the chance to help determine what proposed playground changes will look like in Coulee Dam. The town council last week approved spending approximately $25,000 to purchase new playground equipment.

A donation by General Electric Co. could ensure that this year’s Fourth of July festival will feature the largest fireworks show yet. Coulee Dam Mayor Quincy Snow said GE is donating $10,000 toward fireworks. And they’ll set up a 40-foot wood structure to support fireworks shaped into the GE logo in the staging area by the Third Power Plant for this weekend’s fireworks show.

The Lake Roosevelt boys’ track team repeated last week’s Caribou Trail League dominance Saturday with another first-place finish. The Raiders outscored second place Brewster 158.5-108 and won 12 of 17 events to win the Region 6 title at Tonasket High School.

Twenty Years Ago

Unseasonably high temperatures and low weekend power sales combined to force the Bureau of Reclamation to release water over the spillway at Grand Coulee Dam last week. Every dam on the Columbia and Snake Rivers also spilled water. Public Affairs Officer Craig Sprankle said high temperatures - which reached an official high of 96 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday caused early snow melting and spring runoff last weekend.

Nespelem residents attending a special meeting with GCD School District officials last week didn’t like the district’s proposed new sports “philosophy.” Some frustrated Indian parents cited the document as the latest in a series of race-related disappointments they said is decades long.

Highway Tire celebrated 15 years as Goodyear Dealer Owners Ted and Ann Kosewicz are holding an anniversary sale for three days in celebration of this event.

Thirty Years Ago

Taking first place in the Colorama Wild Cow Milking Contest was the USBR Team including Ken Hoffpauir, Rick Krushensky and Rich McGuire.

Members of the Grand Coulee Dam Seniors were busy last week installing a new sign on the front of their building on Main Street in Grand Coulee.

A new business is opening up on Main Street this week. The T-Shirt Corner will be housed in the former bakery building.

John Vertrees took first place honors in the 70-79 year-old age category of the Bloomsday Run in Spokane.

James W. Sanders received the Eagle Scout rank this past week. He has been a member of the Grand Coulee Dam Area Troop 31 for six years and has earned 27 merit badges. He is the son of Leonard Sanders of Electric City.

Forty Years Ago

Newly-elected officers for the LRHS associated student body for the coming year are: President Tom Goodwin; Vice President Phil Hulett; Secretary Candy Dorn; Treasurer Jill Eferett; Assistant Treasurer Carol Winiecki and Social Chairman Bonnie Davis.

The first stay ring section for the Grand Coulee Dam Third Power Plant is being set into place by workmen for Halvorson-Mason, subcontractor for Bingham-Willamette, turbine contractors.

Area service stations are seeing a temporary shortage of gasoline. It is not clear whether the shortage is real or an intentional effect by oil companies putting the finger on the government.

J.F. Green, acting manager of the Grand Coulee Dam Operations Office, announced today that the unusually low water to FDR Reservoir will make it impossible to initiate the spillway lighting program on Memorial Day.

Fifty Years Ago

Joyce Wisinger will give the valedictorian address at the Grand Coulee High School graduation exercise. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.M. Wisinger of Electric City. Salutatorian is Diane Mort, daughter of Mrs. Ervin Henke of Grand Coulee.

The Bureau of Reclamation has announced this week the appointment of Ray Seeley to the position of Power Supervisor at Grand Coulee Dam.

Selected as Colorama Rodeo Royalty are Linda Gordon, Frances Glick and Patty Perkins.

Selected as Almira High School valedictorian is Sandra Hanes. Co-salutatorians are James Roger Timm and Cheryl Douglas.

The post of Postmaster at the Elmer City Post Office is open with the base salary beginning at $4,965 a year.

Sixty Years Ago

Graduation week will begin Saturday at Coulee Dam High School. Valedictorian is Mary Darland and salutatorian Donna Marie Smith.

At the meeting of the Electric City Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday evening, A.F. Darl and Robert Garen attended to clarify the Bureau’s rental policies to non-bureau people.

A cool breeze, blue skies and well conditioned grounds all helped to make the second annual horse show staged by the Grand Coulee Ridge Riders on Sunday a memorable event for over 1500 spectators.

The Grand Coulee High School graduation class has 16 seniors receiving diplomas this week. Valedictorian is Margaret Ziegler and salutatorian is Kay Loepp.


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