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Election robbery committed

Letters to the Editor

Charlene BearCub was literally robbed through council/elections committee corrupt manipulation of the absentee votes in the Colville Confederated Tribes primary elections, thus, she is not advancing to the General Elections in June as she rightfully should.

I protest CCT Primary Elections as manipulatedly corrupt and thusly null and void; therefore, I, too, demand a recount, at the very least of absentee ballots in Position 2 of the Nespelem District. Perhaps, better yet, ‘completely re-do’ the primary vote for Position 2. I further opine absentee ballots were purposefully lost — received late and disqualified from being tallied as part of the vote — and some of the voting constituency just did not receive a ballot as requested. The primary vote was commandeered and controlled by council/election committee.

Charlene deserves a recount, as she twice requested but was denied, the first time to Billy N./elections committee chair and secondly to Debra Wulff/BIA superintendent. Both had/have authority to grant it. Why were Charlene’s requests for recount denied?

Injustice has been done and recourse is due to right the injustice. They cannot say no because I am asking at this late(?) date; absentee ballots were intentionally mailed out late to accommodate their manipulation of primary results, my opinion.

In further validating, and perhaps to indicate my sincerity and/or the passion with which I make this plea, on my birthday/election day I drastically, severely chopped off my hair in protest of crooked primary elections as I now brandish a newly shorn “Mohawk.”

We, the CCT membership, we the CCT voting constutency, cannot wait for authoritative people to make change … time for change is NOW. Council as a whole has been anti-CCT membership, and council/elections committee has continued this demeanor by their crooked manipulations of the primary elections processes. It is time for them to do for the CCT peoples as they were voted in to do; and further, it is time for elections committee and/or council authoritative person(s) to grant Charlene BearCub justice!

Truman V. Covington


Reader Comments(1)

Laurie E Sison writes:

I agree, but sadly this encompasses many more people than just Charlene Bearcub. I vote Keller and got my ballot after 4pm on the day they were due to be postmarked. I filed a grievance in accordance with our Law and Order Code. Billy Nicholson Jr. e mailed me and said he would be getting on this. I never heard another word. I want to vote. I am fearful of how our tribe is operating. The very people who are there to protect the voting process are ignoring very serious breaches. NOW, many of us are seeing numbers written on our ballot envelopes. WHY? This is one of the most disgusting versions of disenfranchising voters that I have seen and been affected by. Makes me seriously wonder what else they are up to. I hear that they are already losing money (OUR MONEY that they took) on their so called investments. It's no wonder our tribe is regarded the way they are. Our council have led us down a path leading to shame and mismanagement. We all get lumped into that category...sadly.

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