Ten Years Ago
A group working to bring a swimming pool back to the area has been scrambling recently to raise money for the cost of running an election. Coulee Area Recreation Effort Chair Sean Hess, who attended the Electric City and Coulee Dam council meetings last Tuesday and Wednesday, said the pledges will help defray the costs of running the November 4 general election and starting up a five-member board of commissioners for a public recreation district.
A plan by the Washington State Patrol to monitor last weekend’s Spirit Ridge barter fair resulted in numerous tickets and trips to jail for many who attended.
Twenty Years Ago
There are three volunteers in the Grand Coulee Dam area who arre part of the Master Gardener Program - Bob Mueller of Coulee Dam, Pauline Bryant and Jeanne Johnson of Electric City. They are among 421 graduates of Washington State University’s 1993 Master Gardener training program for Grand and Adams County.
A crowd of about 20,000 were treated to a fireworks display following Sunday night’s laser light show at Grand Coulee Dam.
Steven Donn won both the 800 and 1,600 meter races at the State track meet in East Wenatchee last weekend.
Thirty Years Ago
Lake Roosevelt High School’s 12th annual commencement exercise will be held on the Edward L. Greene football field, weather permitting, June 3. Class speaker is Jeanne Boll. Valedictorian Jinger Higgenbotham and Salutatorian John Miller will give addresses.
Darla Ray Pryor, daughter of Rick and Clea Pryor of Coulee Dam has been named to the President’s List at Cottey College.
Local fishermen taking honors at the recent Washington State Bass Jamboree at Coulee Playland last weekend included 8th Dan Head, 9th George Farmer and 13th Sue Head.
According to the weatherman, this past Memorial Day weekend was the hottest on record with temperatures reaching the 90s.
Forty Years Ago
A Canadian company was apparent low bidder last week to supply three giant turbine generators for the Grand Coulee Third Power Plant Project.
The announcement of the promotion of Robert J. Mueller to the position of Field Engineer on the Bureau of Reclamation Grand Coulee Third Power Plant was made today.
Ellie’s Curio Corner, opened on Friday in the Coulee Dam Shopping Center. Ellie Brado, owner will operate her new shop which will have curios, gifts, cards, knitting and jewelry, in addition to antiques.
Fifty Years Ago
According to Ray Seely, newly named Grand Coulee Dam Power Supervisor, Grand Coulee Dam has recently begun its annual flood control program.
Local students earning degrees from Washington State University include Nelda Diane Greenwood BA in sociology, Gloria J. Brenchley, BA in social studies with provisional teaching certificate and George D. Knutsen provisional teaching certificate.
Sixty Years Ago
The Crown Point Vista house on the highest point overlooking the Grand Coulee Dam is nearly completed, according to John R. Vanderzicht, director, State Parks and Recreation Commission, which built the structure. The structure which is about 40 feet in diameter was built at a cost of $14,000.
Rod Hartman, local theater manager visited Seattle last week where he completed purchase of the extra projection equipment required for showing of three-dimensional motion pictures. The first three dimensional picture to be shown will be “Bwana Devil.”
The 1953 graduating class of Grand Coulee has selected their valedictorian as Margaret Ziegler and Salutatorian was Kay Loepp.
The Coulee Dam advisory council, at its meeting Monday evening, went over some of the letters in the file relative to the disposition of the town of Coulee Dam. Letters indicated that the government had decided to sell the town and outlined the plan of sale.
Richard A. Stiles, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. Stiles of Coulee Dam, will receive his MD degree from the medical school of Northwestern University at Evanston, Ill, on June 15. He will intern at the Swedish Hospital at Seattle.
Thirty-seven graduating seniors of Coulee Dam High School will receive their diplomas tonight (May 28). Mary Darland is valedictorian. Donna Marie Smith is salutatorian and Josie Gray is class speaker.
Sixteen seniors received diplomas at Grand Coulee High School.
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