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"Smaller" plant will cost $1 million more

Letters to the Editor

The Star published a story on May 29th, 2013 with the headline “Town votes for smaller sewer plant project.” Nothing could be further from the truth… in fact the town council, with one “no” (Bob Poch), knowingly voted for a project that will cost more, considerably more, than the already expensive “repair” to the old plant.

Do not be duped… the town council voted for the first “phase” of a project estimated to cost well over $6 million. The town’s engineer (Gray & Osborne) clearly defined the two “phases” and the requirements for the full project in the facility plan. That plan was adopted by the town and approved by the state. By taking this action, Coulee Dam will lock itself into the second phase, an aging plant, aging technology, and a very, very high (and growing) operational cost.

The town council (with one exception) just made a decision to spend over a million dollars more than they were recently considering – and for what? To patch up and repair an already old (40 years old) and inefficient facility that will last about 20 more years. The town already spends over twice the expected amount to maintain and operate the existing plant and the proposed “phased” project will add even more to those costs.

Let’s not lose sight of the fact that a new plant can be built for virtually the same amount (even the town’s engineer agrees with that claim) and will cost less than half to operate … and it will last over 40 years! The town’s hell-bent approach will only add even more to our monthly sewer charges. On the other hand, a new regional facility shared with Elmer City will reduce our monthly rates — not increase them!

Thank you and be well…

Greg Wilder


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