News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area


Proctor retiring

Longtime teacher and coach Gordon Proctor will be honored tonight, beginning at 5:30, for his 35 years with the Grand Coulee Dam School District. Proctor has been at Lake Roosevelt High School since 1978, and retires at the end of the school year. The reception will be at the Ridge Riders Rodeo Grounds. The public is welcome.

Rodent reduction

The Bureau of Reclamation had Banks Lake Park and the top of North Dam closed off Tuesday morning until 11 a.m. for marmot control.

Council cancelled

The Coulee Dam council meeting for Wednesday (tonight), scheduled for 6 p.m., has been cancelled because of the lack of a quorum.

Greater Public Need Survey update

The National Park Service will host a public meeting June 27 to discuss the results of “Greater Public Need” surveys conducted by the University of Idaho in 2010 and 2011. The meeting will be held at the Colville Campus of the Community Colleges of Spokane beginning at 6 p.m. in the Dominion room. Dr. Troy Hall of the University of Idaho will present survey findings and discus possible assessment tools for monitoring visitor use. Professor Hall and staff members from Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area will be available for questions following the presentation.


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