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Tribal members should be idle no more

Letters to the Editor

Through our strong native spirituality and our strong native pride, we, the Colville Confederated tribal peoples across our rez and off will indeed rebuild that indigenous circle of life that our current tribal council has destroyed … ever stronger and more united … to encompass new government by the peoples, for the peoples … not only within our government fiscally but also moving forward in prosperity and a more sustainable, brighter future through improved tribal program delivery system administratively, which will not be bridled through council interference … in the end providing better lifestyles, living conditions for all our Colville tribal peoples.

He, grandfather, our heavenly father, will give us, The Colville Confederated tribal peoples, the ability to mend our broken hearts, our broken fences and our broken way of life. We the CCT peoples may be knocked down … but, we will rise up again.

It is here, that I appeal to you the CCT peoples, the Colville tribal voting constituency. “IT IS UP TO YOU!” Become that concerned tribal member, a new voting constituent. Become informed and vote this general election. “Idle No More.” We can no longer sit idly by and hope and wait for authoritative help/change. We must step up and meet that evil/corrupt scourge we call Colville Tribal Council. We the people must effect change.

Our tribe has been on a downward spiral ever since last July when current council took their oaths of office. “Time for change is NOW!” vote. AND, all 14 of those recall petitions for recall of entire council are still out there; find those applicable to you and sign, sign, sign.

Truman V. Covington


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