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Above-average rain in June

Weather Watcher

June was wetter than the month’s mean. We measured 1.32 inches of precipitation at the home weather station compared to a mean of 0.99 inches. Our high temperature was 92.9°F and occurred on the last day, while the coldest day of June was on June 1 at 44.8°F. Records for June are: highest rainfall - 4.29 inches in 1937; lowest rainfall - 0.04 inches in 2003; one day maximum - 2.31 inches in 1996.

I was recently asked by a reader of this column to define the difference between the words “average” and “mean” as they relate to weather measurements. Average is a central calculation of a set of numbers. To arrive at a central or average one would add up a set of numbers (like high temperatures), then divide by how many numbers there are. Mean is nearly the same as average, except one would use more numbers. The mean temperature for June is 65.5°F for Grand Coulee and was obtained by adding up both the high and low temperatures for June. Though one would not use just one month; rather, all June recorded temperature data for Grand Coulee, which goes back to 1934. I hope that answers the question.

As we broke into July, we saw an all-time high temperature here at the home weather station of 102.3°F on July 2. With hot weather come health issues. Hydration and sun protection are vital to staying safe in sunny, high-temperature days. Drink lots of water to maintain proper body fluid levels and prevent dehydration. Wear light clothing and or sun screen to protect your skin from the sun. Unfortunately, many of us are at risk of getting some form of skin cancer from the sun’s ultraviolet light. Skin cancer is diagnosed in the U.S. more than any other type of cancer. I speak from experience so, stay sun safe.

For those who enjoy night sky watching, the planets will be out in July and here’s a list of their locations and times visible in the night sky. In the evening sky, watch for Venus (west) and Saturn (southwest). If you’re up around midnight, watch for Saturn (southwest), Uranus (east) and Neptune (southeast). For the early risers, the early morning sky will provide views of Mercury (northeast), Mars (northeast), Jupiter (northeast), Uranus (southeast) and, lastly, Neptune (south).

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