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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee Police

7/9 - Police banned a man from property on Fortuyn Road where he had been looking into cars. The property owner said he had run the man off and gone to the store, and when he returned the man was back.

- An Electric City man reported two dogs loose on Stevens Street and they appeared uncared for. Police found the dogs in the residence there and they appeared well cared for.

- A man on “E” Street requested extra patrols because a neighbor said he was going to come over and beat him up.

- A woman told police that a pit bull mixed dog threatened her as she pushed a stroller from her residence on 3rd Street NE in Electric City to the post office. Police could not find the dog.

- A woman told police that someone had taken her wallet from her purse while she was at a local restaurant. She said she informed the bank and her debit card was cancelled.

7/10 - A woman on Stevens Street in Electric City asked police to stand by while she gathered her things and left after a domestic dispute. She told police that there was no violence and that the only thing damaged was a magnet, and it belonged to the man involved. It was reported that the man was punching the wall inside the house, but when confronted he said the only thing he had punched was a tree.

- Police checked on a report of a possible DUI incident on Hill Avenue. The officer found a woman who said there was a physical altercation with a neighbor, but she didn’t want to press charges. She was told that she could not drink and drive. The woman and a companion walked away from the location, leaving the car.

7/11 - Police went to a Hill Avenue apartment complex where there was a report of a racial slur by a man to his neighbor. The man said he didn’t make any racial slurs and this was backed up by another person. Police advised that it was illegal in the state to make such statements.

7/11 - Police received a report that there had been a bomb threat at Grant County Airport. Officer Sean Cook and the department’s bomb dog responded but no bombs were found.

- Police referred an alleged harassment issue to the Grant County prosecutor’s office after a woman told police a woman had threatened to enter her property and steal all her stuff.

- A driver was followed to her residence after an officer noticed that the front bumper on her vehicle was missing. Her license was suspended and she was supposed to have an ignition interlock system on her car. The woman was cited and the car towed.

- Coulee Medical Center personnel advised police that they needed assistance with a suicidal person. When police arrived,the person had left the facility and couldn’t be found anywhere nearby.

7/12 - Police stopped a Nespelem woman whose license plate light was out and discovered that her license was suspended. She was cited for the suspended license and for not having insurance.

- Police arrested a man who allegedly was driving a stolen vehicle. The owner of the vehicle had loaned the car to him but it was to be returned at a certain time. When it wasn’t, she reported it stolen. The man was confronted about the vehicle, and when checking on his status, police learned that he had a warrant out for his arrest. He was hauled to Grant County jail on the warrant.

- A woman told police that she was given a check for $2,330 and thought it was a scam. She said she had agreed to have her car wrapped in an advertisement. She said she was instructed to cash the check and send a large amount of the money to a company on the east coast.

- Officers went to Lakeview Avenue in Electric City to check on a report of a fight in progress where one man was armed with a shovel. The two men had different stories for the officer. One said a trash can was tossed at him and it broke a rake he was holding. The other man said he was poked in the face twice and that the other man swung the rake at him and it broke when he used the trash can to block the blow. Neither party wanted to press charges and said that when they finished the business they had wtth each other, they would separate from each other.

7/13 - A woman said she heard a noise that sounded like someone was hitting a metal door. The officer checked the area and found numerous scrap metal items in the area. The officer checked with the reporting party and she told him that a deer often runs up the alley at that location.

- Police asked a woman to move her vehicle that was blocking an area that the city crew was trying to access. She moved the vehicle.

- A woman told police that she had found a 2-year-old child by a car on Second Street. Police found that a woman babysitting the young child and other children didn’t notice that the gate of the yard was open. She was told to watch the children more carefully.

7/14 - A woman who was running her golf cart in North Dam Park was told she couldn’t do that. She loaded the cart up in a trailer.

- Police responded to a call of a fire near the boat launch at Crescent Bay. An officer found several workers trying to put out a grass fire near where the new ferry was assembled. The workers were using fire extinguishers. The fire burned an area about 25 yards in diameter before firefighters arrived.

- A man on Goodfellow in Electric City was warned to keep his two dogs penned up. The officer put the dogs back in the owner’s yard only to have them jump the fence again. The owner was notified that he needed to get licenses for the dogs and if police were called back again he would be cited.

Coulee Dam


7/9 - Police spotted a man they had been looking for who was wanted for questioning in a burglary and a woman known to have warrants for her arrest, driving on SR-155. The vehicle was stopped near Pole Park and a Grand Coulee officer arrived as a standby. The man had a suspended license for not paying a traffic fine, and the woman passenger had two warrants for her arrest. A third person in the car, a woman, was also suspended. The woman with the warrants was arrested and taken to Grant County jail. The man and other woman and a dog walked away, since both had suspended driver licenes, and the vehicle was towed.

- Police checked on an alarm at Bank of America. The officer walked the perimeter of the bank, looked in the windows, and could see that there was no sign of entry.

- A woman waved an officer down on Pine Street and explained that her husband had been drinking and she was fearful of him. She told the officer that she wanted to take her two children away for the night but was afraid to ask her husband if she could do so. The officer confronted the man and he agreed that his wife could take the children.

7/8- A man was stopped and given a warning after he was seen talking on his cell phone while driving near the intersection of Civic Way and River Drive.

7/12 - An officer saw a man lying in the grass at Mason City Park. He was advised that he couldn’t sleep in the park and he walked away.

7/13 - A man who was going nine mph over the speed limit and increasing his speed near Pole Park was pulled over, and it was learned that he was driving while suspended. A passenger in the car who was licensed was allowed to drive the vehicle away. The man who was originally driving the car was cited.

7/14 - A woman who said she was putting an emergency alarm on her father’s cell phone told police that she accidentally dialed 911.

- A woman who lives on Central Drive told police that she found a 4-year-old girl walking along the street, crying. The little girl didn’t know her last name or where she lived. The officer later found out that the girl was staying with her aunt, who was babysitting for her sister. It was reported that the little girl was with other children at a park, but they ran off and left her. The little girl’s parents were at the hospital because the mother had been injured in a car wreck. Police called tribal Child Protective Services, who took charge of the child.


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