Class of 1993 to
Celebrate 20 Years
The Lake Roosevelt Class of 1993 will be holding its 20 year reunion the weekend of August 2 and 3. Friday evening the group will meet at Electric City Bar & Grill. Saturday afternoon a barbecue will be held at Spring Canyon followed by meeting up Saturday night at the Electric City Bar & Grill/Banks Lake Pub.
Coulee Dam Class
of 1968 to hold
45th reunion
Coulee Dam Class of 1968 will be having its 45th class reunion on August 2-4. All friends and family of the class are invited to join them at Spring Canyon on Saturday to visit and renew old friendships.
Class of 2003
Getting Ready
for Reunion
The Lake Roosevelt Class of 2003 will be holding an informal get-together for its 10 year reunion on July 26 and 27. Friday night will be at the Electric City Bar and Grill and Saturday at Spring Canyon all day and then either Electric City Bar and Grill or Sunbanks Cantena Saturday night. No RSVP will be required.
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