News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Consolidation editorial struck home

You can’t realize how pleased I was to read your editorial this week. It was Rod’s dream that all of the small communities might join together to make a stronger town (or should it be city?) which would benefit everyone living in the area. He had arranged for a special grant, hiring a research group from (I think it was WSU) who researched all the possibilities and benefits which could be had.

I believe there was a vote on it, but the lack of desire to change by a great majority of the communities made it impossible to spend more time and money trying to convince the people at that time to consider the benefits.

Rod was very proud of the area and worked very hard to improve the living standards for all of you. I am sure if he were still with us he would be thrilled to hear what is happening at this time.

I have enjoyed reading The Star and hearing all that is going on. I wish much improvement and happier living for each and all of you. I do miss my involvement in the Grand Coulee Dam area and would love to be able to come to visit more frequently.

Having lived in 18 towns before I arrived in Coulee Dam, where I graduated from the Mason City High School in 1947, I lived there for 61 years before retiring with Rod to The Riverview Retirement Homes here in Spokane.

Good luck and God be with each and all of you as you gather together in an effort to improve your lifestyles.


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