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Push for change on reservation

An article on the front page of the just-out Tribal Tribune (The Administration Building) recounts words of past tribal council Chairman Mel Tonasket. The article began: “This is a simple message...” That article went on to further quote Chairman Tonasket: “The message is simply to walk with pride and to hold your head up high, for we have survived 100 years of oppression, depression, paternalism, discrimination, and internal conflicts.” Little did Chairman Tonasket suspect that those very words would still apply to the Colville Confederated Tribes some 40 years later; but, now it applies to CCT in a whole new perspective as our governmental system has moved wholly from better days of democratic governance to the current autocratic, destructive dictatorship that it is today. “Walk with pride and to hold your head up high...” -- How can the Colville tribal peoples even think of this, as recent past council/current council has literally made a mockery of the Colville Confederated Tribes across America in cocktail lounges, and it continues as our current chair outright lies to news media: ‘Admin bldg. fire an accident’... as did our previous chair put out false news media release: ‘193 petition denied...council moves on...’

OPPRESSION: Our Colville peoples, rez, administration, elders, youth ... have truly been used/abused through oppressive governance driven through greed, personal agenda and complete anti-membership non-transparency. DEPRESSION: In more ways than one, our Colville tribal peoples have indeed suffered depression; fiscally/economically, mental abuse ... just due to frustrations in trying to cope with the misdirected/mismanaged council operatives.

PATERNALISM: The paternalism of our council to the constituent tribal peoples most certainly matches that of the historical white societal paternalistic demeanor toward Indian Country and the Indian peoples across America. DISCRIMINATION: This has been only too obvious whereby personal agenda and/or personal gain leaned towards nepotism, buddy-buddy favor, familial gain.

INTERNAL CONFLICT: In the recent past, present, and even in the immediate future projections, YES, internal conflict shall reign supreme — until change is realized and affected for the Colville tribes. What more can I say, my friends, Colville tribal brothers/sisters? Change is still in order and, yes, still way way past due! Finish out and effect those recall petitions ... step up and volunteer your witness information to the

ongoing federal investigation to the Admin. bldg. fire. “Justice will be served!”


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