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Open community dialogue wanted

Letters to the Editor

As the general election nears, I’m more than ever intent on a community dialogue. I know of many changes that need to be made based upon over 40 years’ of experience in municipal government … those things that make us more efficient, accessible, responsible, and responsive. There are the equally important things you want changed and addressed and I want to be your agent for that change.

You already know how you are treated by Town Hall; that’s an obvious given for most of us. You already know how decisions are made that impact your lives and financial well-being; quietly and covertly. You certainly know how your town government feels about your rights to access public information; Mayor Snow was singled out (state-wide!) as the Washington Coalition for Open Government’s prototypical example of those that would like it to be more difficult for you to see and know. You only need to remember the “public” meeting held on the Martin Luther King holiday less than a year ago (with virtually no meaningful advanced notice) and wherein decisions were made that impacted your future sewer rates, to understand the degree to which the town will sink to avoid publically discussing and deciding. And, those of you that have been here for years will remember how very different it was when Rod Hartman served “us” all selflessly, openly, and fairly as our mayor. We need to transition back to the notion of “public service.”

I have repeatedly offered, challenged, cajoled, and even badgered Mayor Snow in an attempt to engage in a public forum … a public debate. No response, no interest, no willingness, and no intent it seems — much the same as the way our town has been governed by this administration. I suppose you can take the unwillingness at face value — a lack of caring and a real intent to avoid … do you really want another four years of that?

Greg Wilder


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