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"Help, history needs a telling"

Jess Shut Up

Sometimes I think I know a lot of things about our area. Other times I have no idea. So I thought I would throw some things out there and see if any of you can answer these things for me. So here we go.

I know why or how Grand Coulee and Coulee Dam got their names. And I’m pretty sure I can figure out Electric City and Delano. But Elmer City? I am gonna guess that it’s named after someone named Elmer. But Elmer who? Lone Pine? What tree is the lone pine and is it still there? I mean that tree should be marked and we should all know where it is. Seaton’s Grove I am pretty sure is named after Mr. Seaton that ran the ferry down there and with all the trees and shrubbery I can figure out the grove part. Delrio I have no idea. Belvedere again no idea. So its up to all of you to answer these for me.

I was reading old newspapers lately and read that someone was a member of the “ ODD Fellows group here in Grand Coulee. Does any one know what that group was and why that name?

What is the oldest existing business still in our area? I know Safeway, Loepps and Siam Palace have all been here a long time but who owns the record?

Someone also asked me recently “ How long has the golf course been there” because when they were a kid growing up in the area and they had no idea that there was even a golf course close.

Some one also told me once that a lot of the bodies in the cemetery had to be moved once long ago. Some went to Almira Cemetery and some went to Wilbur. But I have always been curious as to why they were moved.

What ever happen to the Coulee Queen? I remember as a kid growing up the big boat on Banks Lake and it was a big event but what happened? To me that would still be a big hit today for tourists and locals both.

There has always been rumors of stars and celebrities coming and watching the laser light show on the dam. But are any of them true? I mean has anyone ever actually seen Garth Brooks in his limo watching the laser light show?

OK, so if anyone can answer some or all of these questions please write a letter to the editor so we can all know the answers. You see, I am kind of a history buff and I know others out there that would like the answers too. Also if you have a question you would want answered, send those in too. I might even know an answer or two.


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