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Asking for your involvement

Letters to the Editor

It seems in today’s world we are bombarded constantly with an onslaught of political opinion. I say opinion because even news organizations no longer publish news but the agenda they are trying to foster. And this is both from the Right and Left, Blue and Red, etc.

Our representatives offer little in substance while trying to spin events and issues to match their schema while continually playing the blame game. Yeah, the political divide in this country appears to be at an all-time high. But that’s not what this letter is about.

I mentioned the above because I believe it has caused an apathy in our citizens that is potentially dangerous. Our republic, the system in which our government was designed to function, cannot operate properly with apathy. The functions of towns, cities, counties, and states call for their citizens to be informed, honest, and involved. So I’m asking for your involvement.

It has become evident that very few of our city’s residents know what the purpose and responsibility of the Grand Coulee Civil Service Commission (GCCSC) is. We would like to invite all of you to our next scheduled meeting on Nov. 4, at 5:30 p.m.

On the schedule for that night will be a clarification on what our duties and responsibilities are, and are not. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

The GCCSC meets the first Monday of every month. Please attend, and be sure to bring your questions concerning the commission.

Mark Graves


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