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I challenge you all

Jess Shut Up

I had a great conversation with a really good friend a few weeks ago. She spoke of the difficulties in her life and how things can sometimes snowball to a place where we never have seen ourselves, or in our worst nightmares saw ourselves living. I knew of her ordeals, but I got a small glimpse into how tragic events can change the way you see yourself and the way others can perceive you and the difficult balance of remaining yourself.

I, too, have had the misfortune of thinking I was one way, only to have things rock my world and realize that maybe I was not what I thought I was. I’m talking about my sickness in my situation, but there are many different events that can make you question things about yourself and others.

After our conversation, I was moved to be a better person and reach out to my friends in need. I think we could all use a push to help others, no matter how uncomfortable or unworthy we might feel we are or they are. We sometimes get clouded in our own thoughts (or I guess, we could use the word “selfish” in our own needs) when most of our needs are met when we band together as friends and family and do everything within our power to give others the smallest of lift towards hope.

I wrote last year about a group of local kids who accepted the Rachelle’s Challenge. You can Google that (I highly encourage you to do that). These kids made a major difference in fellow students’ lives. I think it might be time to take that challenge to the next level. By the next level, I mean you.

We all know someone who is in a dark place or just needs a helping hand to get through a rough patch. Or a community member that has made a few mistakes or someone who has voluntarily isolated themselves from the love of others. We all know a widow or widower who is struggling to continue life without their loved one, or an unemployed person that just can’t find a job, or a single parent just trying to get the kids through school. The list of hurting people can go on and on. No matter their struggle, they could use a lift, or even just encouraging words. Some we may even think don't deserve it.

My challenge to myself and to you is to put our jaded ideas to the side for just a moment and reach out a hand to those crying out in need. They might not grasp the hand you offer, but they will remember you offered, and that will warm them. Yes, they might take hold of the hand you offer and it may even seem that they will never let go, but if they need to hang on a little bit longer than is comfortable for us, then so be it. They more than likely need help more than we can even imagine.

I have found out that even the slightest of gestures, means something. It may seem trivial to us or others but it could be the difference of a good day and a bad day to someone else. And when too many bad days stack up back to back on someone, no matter how strong they are, it can cripple them emotionally and take its toll on others.

So to start this challenge I want to apologize to those on whom I may have hastily turned my back. Even the ones I did not even know I was slighting. I know I cannot help everyone, but if we all do our part daily we can pull each other up slowly and make this a better community for everyone.


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