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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


11/4 - A woman living on Roosevelt Drive told police that when she came home she noticed her 55-inch TV and other articles had been taken. She said she didn’t feel safe there and was going to stay someplace else.

- An officer noticed a driver using her cell phone and stopped her near the post office. She said she didn’t know the status of her license and when the officer checked, he found that it was suspended. A licensed driver came to take charge of the vehicle and the report went to the prosecutor’s office with a recommendation that she be charged with driving with a suspended license.

11/5 - A woman told police that someone kept entering a residence where she had lived on “E” Street. She said she had moved out and gave police the name of the person she thought was going into the house. Police checked on the residence and the doors were locked but two windows were not secure.

- The driver of an Oregon vehicle was pulled over for going 41 mph in a 30 mph zone near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam. When the officer checked his driving status, he found that the driver had a suspended license in Nevada. The man was issue citations for driving without a valid license and speeding and advised that he could not drive any further and if he did, he would be arrested.

- A Grand Coulee man was stopped in Electric City for going 55 mph in a 35 mph zone. The driver was cited for not having an insurance card and warned on the speeding incident.

- USBR Plant Protection called about a suspicious vehicle parked near the painters’ shack in the industrial yard. The report said that the trunk was open and there wasn’t anyone around.

Police found out that the vehicle belonged to the Bureau’s fire department and had been crashed and rolled over.

11/6 - A shopping cart with a number of items inside and some scattered on the ground was found on Spokane Way. Many of the items had the name of the owner on them. They were taken to his residence on Roosevelt.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police of a couple taking a lot of pictures from Riley Point. Police talked to the pair from Georgia, who showed their digital photos to the officer. One showing a security camera was deleted.

- A woman was stopped for expired tabs after passing an officer’s location near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam and was cited for the tabs and not having insurance, even though she pled that the vehicle belonged to a relative.

- Two men were seen near Four Corners pushing a Safeway shopping cart. When stopped by an officer, they said they had permission from Safeway to push the cart to a residence in Delano and then return it. The officer took the two back to Safeway and a clerk and night manager told the officer that they had not been given permission to take the cart. The officer is forwarding the report to the prosecutor’s office suggesting a theft charge be made against the two men.

11/8 - Two boys from a Nine Miles Falls athletic team were seen between the city hall and Safeway and the reporting party thought they were urinating between the buildings. When the coach learned about it, he had the boys apologize. One of the boys was 15, the other 16.

11/9 - An Ephrata woman was stopped after going 60 mph in Electric City in a 35 mph zone. The woman was cited for not having insurance and warned on the speeding incident.

- A Malott man was stopped for not wearing his seatbelt and for having a windshield that had several cracks in it. He didn’t have his driver’s license and no insurance. He was cited.

- A woman called to say she had a stray German Shepherd dog who needed food and that she fed it. An officer tried to call her back to say the department didn’t have facilities to hold the dog but only got her voicemail.

11/10 - A Shelton, Wash., man was stopped for going 10 mph over the speed limit as he passed the the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam. He was warned on the speed and cited for not having insurance.

- USBR Plant Protection reported that a suspicious person had entered the armory at the security office. Police arrived and checked the building, only to learn that it was an exercise to see how long it took an officer to respond. The response time was under three minutes.

Coulee Dam


11/4 - A Grand Coulee man was warned about driving around with expired license tabs in the 500 block of Sixth Street.

11/6 - A woman driving on Camas was stopped and warned that her tabs had expired.

11/7 - A woman driving on River Drive received a verbal warning from an officer for having expired license tabs.

- A woman on Camas Street reported to police that a neighbor’s dogs got loose and were disturbing her dogs. She said it happened about twice a week. The owner of the dogs told police the neighbor who complained had dogs that barked a lot and he never had complained about them. He was told about the town ordinance covering dogs being loose.

- A man was stopped for expired license tabs. The officer learned that his license was suspended. He told the officer that he was currently making payments on a former fine. He was cited for driving with a suspended license and warned on the license tab. He parked the car and a licensed driver was due to pick it up the next day,

11/8 - A student at Lake Roosevelt High School was suspended for 15 days for having a baggie of marijuana and a smoking pipe in his locker. A report is being filed with the Okanogan County juvenile prosecutor’s office. The report stated that the student was told that the suspension would be cut to five days if he enrolled in a substance abuse program.

- An inoperative headlight was the cause for a vehicle stop and eventually got the driver and a passenger in trouble. The driver had a suspended license. A court had ordered no contact between the passenger and driver. The driver was cited on her suspended license and the passenger was taken to Okanogan County Jail for the no-contact order violation.

11/11 - Police were advised that a Country Cable drop box located on Tulip Street had been broken into. A Country Cable spokesman said that someone had forced the lock off the box.


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