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Happy Dec. 18 birthday

Jess Shut Up

To whom? Well this date in history has given birth to some pretty important and down right famous people. Some notorious, some infamous and some local cool cats. So where do we start? Well, let’s start with a bad guy.

In 1878 a really bad guy was born on this date. He would have been considered one of the most evil bad guys in history if it wasn’t for a buddy of his who is conceivably worse. His buddy was Hitler, and we know what he did. He was Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin rose to power as general secretary of the Communist Party, becoming a Soviet dictator upon Vladimir Lenin’s death. He was responsible for the starvation of many of his own people, but he did help the world by helping to defeat the Nazis with his own Red Army.

Also on this date, in 1886, the Georgia Peach was born. You know, Ty Cobb. He was considered in his time the best ball player and it is said that he set 90 MLB records while playing for the Detroit Tigers. If you ever get a chance to read his life story, you won’t regret it. To see where he came from and the obstacles he had to overcome is pretty humbling.

OK, how about someone still alive, barely. Keith Richards was born on this date in 1943. He is arguably one of the best guitarists ever and his riffs are some of the most memorable ever recorded. Are you still saying, who? The Rolling Stones! Fourteen songs that Richards wrote are on Rolling Stones Magizine’s (no relation) top 500 songs of all time. He is known by comedians and late night show hosts as the drug-using, alcohol-drinking rock star that won’t die. He has survived drug over doses, car wrecks, lunatic fans, and even more recently fell out of a tree, hitting his head. He is still kicking at 69.

Some beauties were born on this date too. Even one that Tom Cruise dumped. Katie Holmes is a star of this day born in 1978. She has starred in a lot of movies, but, alas, she is known more for her marriage than her career.

Professional wrestlers seem to get popped out on this date a lot too. Stone Cold Steve Austin, Rob Van Dam, Trish Stratus, all born on the 18th. Other professional athletes too. Like Charles Oakley – NBA Hall of Famer, Phil Heath – Mr. Olympian, and Ben Watson – TE for the New England Patriots.

But I am missing the big dogs. Like Betty Grable. DMX, Steven Spielberg, Christina Auguilera and Ray Liotta. (I’m sensing a Google time coming for young and old.)

Oh, and I almost forgot the locals I know, too. Patsy (Gould) Desautel, Luke Bona, Letha Palmateer, Talia Womer-Wilson and Raul Figueroa. Happy Day to you, too.

But I am forgetting the most important person celebrating today. No, not Brad Pitt, although his is today, too. I am talking about Hollywood, Jake, The Voice, Mr. Shut Up, Jester, you know him. Yes, I turn 40 today. Ouch, that hurt to say to you all. But on this day in 1973 in Tonasket, Wash., my mother gave me the most remarkable gift that anyone can give. She gave me life. It was all downhill for her from there. Just kidding. I love you, mom. Thanks for giving me life. Thanks for giving my brother and sister life, too. Yep, I have a sister and she lives in ND with mommy. (No, she can’t say any more that I never mentioned her.) So, yes, I wrote a column about my own birthday.

Happy Birthday to all you Dec. 18thers out there. I know it sucks ’cause about half the people just told you they will get you an extra Christmas present instead of a BD present. But it could be worse. We could have a birthday on the 24th of December like Ryan Seacreast. I’m just saying.


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