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BBCC dorms report high occupancy Increase in "mature" students

Residence hall occupancy at Big Bend Community College is at near capacity and holding firm, according to college officials.

There were 156 people living in the dorms during fall quarter, a 50-percent increase over last year. The college estimates 150 will return for winter quarter 2014.

The biggest change at the residence halls this year is the increasing average age of students living in the dorms.

“We have 27 students over the age of 25,” said Hugh Scholte, BBCC residence hall director. “Previously, it was unusual to have any students over the age of 25.”

The residence halls this fall served seven students with disabilities, eight registered nursing students, six veterans, 39 athletes and 30 first-year flight students.

“Hosting such a diverse group required us to change how we allocate floor and room space,” Scholte said.


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