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Gas stations missing business

Letters to the Editor

One person owns all three service stations in Grand Coulee Area; I wonder if he knows how much business he is losing from local people. Everyone I talk to only purchases enough fuel to get the 20 miles to another service station that fuel is anywhere from 10 to 30 cents per gallon cheaper. I filled up in Coulee City today (1/8/2014) where diesel was $3.95 per gallon; here in Grand Coulee it was $4.27 per gallon. That is 32 cents per gallon. Regular gas in Coulee City was $3.17, Grand Coulee was $3.47.

I find it hard to believe it cost 30 cents per gallon more to get the fuel to Grand Coulee. I believe the fuel comes from the tank farm in Moses Lake for all of this area. We in business fight all the time to convince customers we compete with big cities on price, but when you have one person owning all three and his prices are this far out of line, it makes it hard on everyone else. I contend he is missing thousands of dollars of business from local customers.

Carl Russell


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