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Malice in letters unwarranted

Letters to the Editor

Each week, the Star Newspaper is hand delivered to my door — by our ever faithful deliverer, Felix Marcolin. Each week, I look forward to sitting down and reading it. But as of late, I almost cringe when I read the letters to the editor. With the recent tide of public sentiment, my letter is going ot be one of the less popular ones, but nonetheless, needs expressed.

Before the meat of my subject matter, let me refer you to an old “Native American proverb” that goes something like this: “Grant that I might not judge my brother until I have walked two moons in his moccasins.” The hate letters directed toward hospital administrator Mr. Scott Graham appall me that we, as a community can be so insensitive!

If we have a difference of opinion or an idea that could be an improvement to the hospital or community, there are better ways to express them than what I have seen. The attitude I have seen expressed is, “Mr. Graham, go away and all our problems will be fixed.” Even if he left, the negative attitudes would still remain and would continue to be destructive.

I know Mr. Graham on a different level, and this public sentiment is in stark contrast to the man I know. I do know that, in a position such as his, to be responsible, you sometimes need to make unpopular decisions.

Can we afford to let this attitude of hatred and malice govern our decisions regarding the future of our hospital and its staff or lack thereof? Is this the legacy we want to pass on to our children?

A concerned citizen

Terrence J. Owen


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