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Re: "Writer demands answers from tribal council" (Letters to the editor, 2/5/14)

Letters to the Editor

This is very short reply to the recent letter to the editor authorized by Mr. Truman Covington.

First of all, the information referenced in your fourth paragraph is entirely inaccurate. Colville Tribal Federal Corporation – CTFC has completed Fiscal Year 2013 with the following benchmarks:

• Completed FY 2013 highly profitable for the third consecutive year. CTFC operates from October 1st through September 30 each fiscal year.

• CTFC was selected as “Minority Enterprise of the Year” by the Washington State Minority Business Council for the operating year 2013. CTFC had to provide operating and financial data to support that selection process.

• CTFC, through a leasehold interest with Omak Wood Products LLC, and the new Noisy Waters Fuel Convenience Store have created over 170 new employment positions within the past eight months.

With your interest in the tribal corporation, CTFC, I would suggest that you contact them directly at: Colville Tribal Federal Corporation, CTFC, P.O. Box 5, Coulee Dam, WA 99116, 509.634.3200.

Subject to your request and tribal identification, you will be provided accurate and independent audited statements for each fiscal year of request, and that should provide the CTFC operation detail that will satisfy your questions on this tribal corporation that is owned in common by the Colville Tribe.

In regards to“my” being selected to the CTFC Board of Directors, that is only subject to the authority of the Colville Business Council. If, in the near future, you or other concerned tribal members should take the opportunity to apply for the many varied boards of limited authority, I would suggest that you do so, and then you will have the ability to provide representation that you feel is not sufficient with existing selection.

Kenneth “Butch” Stanger


Reader Comments(1)

truman covington writes:

This in direct reference to Butch Stanger letter of 2-12-2014.... I was surprised that he found it necessary to answer address my initial letter to editor. Not only was my letter to Colville Tribal Council; but also, he usurps Council authority through his bullying tactics AND circumvents council in projecting and over-stepping his own limited Board of Directors/CTFC authority... Further Mr. Stanger accused me/my info as false...Sorry sir my info and input came directly from then in office council...Tribal Tribune Council resolution reports and then 'just out' Annual Report of CTFC authored by Joe Pakootas. Additionally, as I just said: Mr. Stanger infact over-stepped his authority as he usurped that of Colville Tribal Council by circumventing council parameters responsibility and council duty wise. Further I adamantly his tactics here are the rule rather than the exception as he regularly oversteps his 'advisory' capacity as a member of Board of Directors/CTFC... It is my inalienable right as a Colville Tribal member to not only question Council action but also complain against their direction and day to day actions...Along this line of thinking how does he get off telling, instructing me where to go, what to do and/or apply for position as CTFC/Board of me, all of this is none of his business... In closing 'it was not about his selection' as Board of Directors/CTFC, but all the crap going down....

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