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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


2/10 - A woman’s car slid off the road on SR-174 near the Crown Point exit. Jack’s towing removed the car and there were no injuries.

2/11 - A man who owns a home on 3rd Street NE in Electric City told police that a neighbor informed him that someone had driven up close to his garage. Since the man was away at the time, he asked police to look into the matter. Two boats the man had in his garage hadn’t been touched.

2/12 - A car that had been parked for a long time on Alcan Road and that had considerable damage was towed and impounded.

2/13 - Police checking on a report of a suspicious vehicle found a man with his vehicle jacked up who said he thought he had a loose wheel. He was told not to leave the vehicle overnight and later was seen driving the vehicle away.

- Police warned two people who were out on Banks Lake ice near the buoy line at the feeder canal and close to open water that the Bureau was going to start their pumps and they were in a dangerous area. The two left.

- A Burdin Boulevard resident who was towing a trailer without lights was told by police that he wasn’t to move the trailer until it had proper lights, the tires were fixed and it was registered.

2/14 - An officer stopped a vehicle on SR-155 after noticing that two individuals didn’t have their seatbelts on. He found that both parties inside the vehicle had been drinking and the driver stated that he had gone to the Banks Lake Pub in Electric City to get his female passenger and they had all be drinking. The officer report stated that the matter was being referred to the state Liquor Control Board for review.

- An Electric City woman reported that her father, who also lives in Electric City, had a window broken in his garage and thought it might have been shot out. The officer found that a window was broken but no evidence what caused it.

- A woman living on Van Tyne called police to report that her son was damaging her house and that he had made threats against himself and her. Police found the young man naked in the kitchen and considerable damage to the premises. Police found he was wanted on a warrant, arrested him and took him to Grant County Jail. The mother requested a no-contact order be filed because she was afraid of her safety.

2/15 - USBR Plant Protection told police that a man was walking up by Riley Point yelling so loud they could hear him at the guard post on top of the dam. Police confronted the man who, the report stated, was highly intoxicated. He said he was yelling at his girlfriend on his cell phone asking for a ride. Later police were informed a ride was on the way.

- A man who lives on Continental Heights told police that a dog had bared its teeth and made threatening motions. Police found the dog and advised its owner that the dog needed to be inside and not loose. They said if such an incident occurred again the owner would be cited.

- A man near Lincoln and Electric Boulevard in Electric City told police that two loose dogs growled at him when he went outside. The officer was unable to find the dogs.

2/16 - A woman told police that someone had hit her vehicle and then left the scene. Police could tell the woman had been drinking and after she agreed to a portable breathalyzer test she was warned that if she drove she would be arrested. She called for someone to pick her up. Police sought identity of the vehicle that hit her car and was told the color by the bartender at the Wolf’s Den Bar, but couldn’t locate it.

- Plant Protection advised police that someone had disregarded a closed sign on Marina Way. Police found the vehicle and the occupants stated that they used to fish the area. They were told the area was closed after dark, and they left.

Coulee Dam


2/12 - Security cameras at Coulee Dam Casino helped identify a car prowler whom police later caught as he was putting groceries in his car after shopping nearby. The driver agreed to allow his vehicle to be searched, and the officer found a smoking pipe and a baggie of green material that tested out as marijuana. The report was sent to Colville Tribal Police for action.

2/13 - A driver was stopped after an officer saw that he did not fully stop at a stop sign at Crest Drive and River Drive. The driver told the officer, according to the report, “You know that I do not have a driver’s license.” The driver was advised that he was going to be cited and then he accused the officer of being a “racist.” Then the driver said he didn’t care if his license was suspended that he was going to drive anyhow. He was cited by mail since the officer’s computer in the patrol car wasn’t working properly.

- A person called police to report a car was blocking the driveway of their residence on Civic Way. The person after learning who owned the car said a phone call would be made to the owner asking them to move it.

2/14 - A driver was stopped for moving through the Mead Way and Roosevelt stop sign without coming to a stop, and the officer found that the driver’s license had been suspended. This was his third stop on the driver’s license issue. He was given a citation.


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