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Coulee cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee Police

3/31 - Police stopped a car at Main Street and Federal Avenue when the officer noticed that a passenger didn’t have his seatbelt on. The driver was cited for driving with a suspended license.

- A woman brought a bag of clothes she said was found near Spring Canyon on SR-174. Police are holding the bag of clothes for the owner.

4/1 - Plant Protection advised police of two men in a restricted area near North Dam Park. The two told police that they just wanted to fish. They were advised that the area they were in was closed at dusk, and the two left the area.

- Police were called when the owner of Banks Lake Pub noticed that someone had run into one of the windows in the building. Police collected pieces of a license plate holder and took photos of the damage.

- A resident on “F” Street reported to police that her 2010 Toyota Matrix had been stolen from her driveway during the night. Some parties said the vehicle had been seen in the driveway up to about midnight. Police are investigating.

- USBR Plant Protection called police to advise them that someone pulling a trailer had trespassed on Switchyard Road. Police talked to the man who said he had pulled off to go to the restroom. He was advised that if he did it again he would be cited.

- Police were called to a Midway Avenue location where two men were arguing. They were told that if they continued they would be cited for being disorderly.

- A Coulee Dam woman advised police that her car had been damaged while parked in the Safeway lot. She said that she didn’t notice the damage until she was unloading her groceries. The woman stated that her husband had estimated damage at $1,000. The woman was advised to come by the station and pick up an accident form and to get a firm estimate from a vehicle repair person.

- A Coulee Dam man living on Stevens Avenue told police that he had run out of gas. He walked to the gas station, started his car and went on his way.

4/2 - A Grand Coulee man and Electric City woman who were in North Dam Park after dark were told to leave, and did.

- Police were called to a place on Kelso Avenue in Electric City by a party stating someone was trespassing. Police couldn’t find the person but were told by a man that a protection order had been stopped and he had taken over the residence and the person trying to break in had some of his things.

- Police were notified that some kids were skateboarding on the highway in front of Jess Ford. They were gone on arrival.

4/3 - Police received a report that an injured raccoon was in the roadway near Pole Park. Police could not locate the animal.

- Police checked on a report that there was a dispute between a man and a woman at the Exxon station in Coulee Dam. Police tried to call the Coulee Dam police but there was no answer. Police learned that the man had wrecked the woman’s car earlier in the day and the woman was upset with him.

- Police found a faucet turned on near the Gehrke windmills at North Dam Park and it was flooding the area. Police turned the water off and advised USBR Plant Protection of the problem. Plant Protection said everyone had left for the day but that they would email the shop.

4/4 - Police advised the owner of an off-road motorcycle that his kids could not ride it on the street. The officer informed the owner that his child was riding it without a helmet and that if he saw this happen again the motorcycle would be impounded.

- An officer from another jurisdiction stopped a car to check it out and stated that the information didn’t come back that it was stolen. An officer checked on it again and it came back that the vehicle was indeed stolen.

- A man asked police to stand by while he recovered his belongings at a residence on Center Street. He loaded up his belongings and left the area.

- Police arrested a woman on Grand Coulee Avenue on a fourth-degree domestic violence charge after she got into a scuffle with her husband during an argument. She was taken to Grant County Jail.

4/5 - Police went to Sunbanks Lake Resort to check on an individual who damaged a bedroom in one of the condos. The manager of the resort said he would deal with collecting from the individual on the damage.

4/6 - A Bothell resident was cited for going 49 mph in a 30 mph zone and passing on the wrong side on Midway Avenue.

4/7 - Police answered a disturbance call on Continental Heights and arrested a man for unlawful imprisonment and assault in the fourth degree, domestic violence. The woman who made the call was found hiding under a stairwell and said she was afraid the man would do her harm.

Coulee Dam Police

4/1 - A woman who owns a house on Fir Street reported that a heat pump at the rear of the house was missing. She told police that she had purchased the house last summer and she was having a woman clean the place. The cleaning lady said the heat pump was there just a few days before.

4/3 - Police checked on a 911 call from a River Drive residence, where a woman told the officer that her husband, who was intoxicated, had hidden her prescriptions. The man told police that he hid medicine because his wife had taken the medicine and was a “zombie.” He showed the officer where he hid the prescriptions and asked to be taken to jail just to get away. He was asked if he had done something that warranted jail and he stated he was “guilty of something.” There was no sign of an incident so the officer returned the prescriptions to the woman and left.

- A woman on Holly Street reported that she saw a shadow of a person behind a vacant house on Fir Street. Later police located a man who said he was just trying to “protect myself.” He refused to tell the officer who he thought was threatening him and was advised of the trespassing law.

4/5 - Police checked on a 911 call from a house on Spruce Street and found a phone in a basement apartment was out of order.

- A woman walking on Tilmus Street reported to police that her daughter had been bitten by a small terrier-type dog. She said the two of them had been walking on Tilmus when they saw the dog eating something brown and went close to see what it was. She said it appeared that the dog was eating fried chicken. She said the dog growled and when they walked away it bit her daughter on the leg. The officer said he walked up to the dog and it licked his hand and wagged its tail. He advised the owner of the town’s ordinance on dogs being loose.


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