News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

Coulee Cops

reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


4/14 - A woman told police that she had been visiting with another person when the phone went dead. She said she was worried that the other party might have a medical problem. Police checked and found the party okay and so advised the caller, who was already in contact again by phone.

- USBR Plant Protection asked police to check on a person wandering around on government property. The man advised the patrol officer that he was a contractor and produced an identification card.

- A woman reported that someone took her bird feeder. She said a neighbor observed the theft and the persons responsible walked down Burdin Boulevard.

4/16 - An officer removed a dead dog that was apparently hit by a vehicle at the corner of Electric Boulevard and Coulee Boulevard E., in Electric City.

- Officers responded to a disorderly disturbance on Dill Street, where they found two people arguing. When an officer went to the residence, he was ordered off the property. The incident included a vehicle struck by another vehicle. Since the parties were working out the problem, the officers left.

4/18 - USBR Plant Protection was informed that a man on a skateboard was acting strangely and taking pictures of the dam. Police found the man who showed the pictures he had taken. Nothing seemed amiss, so the officer thanked the man for his cooperation.

- A man was cited after he forgot to set his emergency brake and his truck rolled backward from his parking location at H&H Grocery and knocked down a tree and struck a guy wire. The man said he tried to contact the police but no one answered.

- A man on Roosevelt Drive reported that a sign he’d had in his yard, which warned drivers that there could be children playing had been stolen.

- An officer saw a man he knew to be the subject of an arrest warrant and asked him to come to him. The man complied, but when told about the warrant stated there was no warrant and that the officer was violating his rights. All this time the man’s girlfriend was video-taping the encounter. The officer’s report stated that the woman had been known to interfere in an arrest and that he asked her to step back. The man told the officer that his grandfather was a commissioner and would deal with him. The officer asked for the grandfather’s name so it could be in the report, but the man wouldn’t tell him. The man was taken to Grant County Jail.

- A report of domestic violence on Dill Avenue brought an officer who learned that a man’s girlfriend had allegedly thrown the broken stock of a gun through a window. The man said that when his girlfriend became violent he put her outside and this is when the window was broken. Police are looking for the woman, who will be charged with malicious mischief.

4/19 - Police got a complaint that the music coming out of the Wolf’s Den bar was too loud. When the officer stepped outside of the police station about two blocks away he could hear the music and also a lot of loud noise coming from customers of the bar who were outside. He informed the bartender that if he had another complaint about the music being too loud he would cite her.

- The bartender at Wolf’s Den bar called police to state that a male customer would not leave. Police found a Grand Coulee man who said he didn’t have any way to get home, and just then someone stopped and offered him a ride.

- Police were called to a Third Street address, where a man showed the officer that someone had dumped some items behind the residence. Nothing in the rubbish could identify who had dumped the material.

- An officer was called to an Electric Boulevard location in Electric City on a cruelty-to-animals complaint. The complainant said he saw a man beating a dog with a board. The officer contacted the man at the given location who said he wasn’t using a board, but his belt. The officer checked the dog over for injuries but it seemed to be OK. The officer talked to the man about methods of training a dog, but the man became irate and short-tempered.

- Police were told that two subjects were shining flashlights at motorists near Pole Park. The officer found two boys, known to them from prior contacts. They were told to stop shining the flashlights at cars.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police that three individuals were fishing in a restricted area below the lower Visitor Center area. They were told to stay back of the sign that stated “no unauthorized personnel beyond this point.” One of the men stated he had an email from the Bureau of Reclamation that said the area was open, and added that he was going to see the project manager about this. The men left the area.

4/20 - Police were advised by a man that his girlfriend was being beaten up, but he didn’t know the location, just that she had called him. Later, police were advised the incident was occurring at a house on Stevens in Electric City. Police found two men outside who said the woman was inside in the bedroom. When the officer opened the door he saw a haze, and when he inhaled there was a burn in his nose, throat, chest and eyes, and the woman was in a corner with a cloth over her mouth. The room had been filled with pepper spray. The victim said two women had used it to try to get her to come out so they could assault her. By their actions, the report stated, the woman was prevented from leaving. Police arrested one of the women for unlawful imprisonment and recommended the same charge against the other woman. A resident of the home was arrested on two Grant County warrants. They were taken to Grant County Jail.

4/21 - Police went to the H&H parking lot on a custody problem. The father and mother of a child were told that they needed court documents that spell out custody agreements before police could do anything.

- Police were informed by dispatch that a runaway youth was at “Starbucks Coffee” in Electric City. Police decided that the juvenile reporting the incident was playing a joke on his sister.

- A woman complained that four people at a motel were making too much noise. Police found four men outside laughing and talking. They were told to keep the noise down. They apologized and said they would.

Coulee Dam


4/14 - A woman told police that she found a cellphone in the street on Central Drive. She said she tried to determine who owned the phone, but couldn’t. Police found out that the owner lived on Camas and are trying to reach him.

- Police noticed a car parked the wrong way on Roosevelt Way and waited to see if someone would return to the vehicle. A tow was called, and just after that a man appeared to say he was taking pictures of the dam for a magazine affiliated with the University of Washington. The officer told the man that the law about parking was the same here as in Seattle, and then called to cancel the tow.

4/15 - Police did a welfare check on a woman living on River Drive. The woman’s mother hadn’t heard from her in over a week and was worried. The woman on River Drive was OK and said she would call her mother.

4/16 - Police went to Lake Roosevelt High School to arrest a student on a warrant for his arrest. The young man had left the building but was found walking near the tennis courts. He was taken to the Okanogan County Juvenile Center.

- Police were called to Camas Street on a domestic issue and found a man and a woman yelling at each other. The woman said she wanted the man out of the house and for him not to come back. The officer drove the man to a location in Grand Coulee and advised him not to return.


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