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Hospital district will meet in closed session

Non-public personnel items only on agenda

A special meeting of the commissioners that govern Coulee Medical Center will occur this afternoon, but will not take any action other than adjournment following a closed session, according to revised agenda the hospital district published Sunday morning.

Below is that notice and agenda:


There will be a special Board Meeting of the Commissioners of Douglas, Grant, Lincoln, & Okanogan Counties Public Hospital District No. 6 on Tuesday, May 27, 2014, 4:00 PM in the Education Conference Room, located at 411 Fortuyn Road, Grand Coulee, Washington. The Board will immediately move to Executive Session to discuss Personnel items – RCW 42.30.110(g). No decisions will be made following the Executive Session.


Call to Order

Executive Session

Personnel – RCW 42.30.110(g)

Reconvene Open Session



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