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Memorial Day dedication set

The flags are going up Saturday,

Veterans, their families, and the general public looks forward each year to the "Isle of Flags" at Spring Canyon Cemetery.

This year there will be over 500 flags flying for veterans from the local areas.

They go up in a gigantic volunteer work effort beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday. You can go and help. Then the flags come down on Monday beginning at 3 p.m. if it's not raining.

This year 13 new flags will be dedicated in honor of the following: Clifford W. Avey, Harold Eugene Dunlap, John E. Graham, Sr., Bert Colby Johnson, John B. Klobucher, Lloyd Allyn Newkirk, James A. Pryor, Stanley C. Rawley, Donald C. Seaver, CPT James C. Waters, Billy Wisinger, Arthur E. "Bud" Wright and Ray J. Zowada.

The official Memorial Day program will begin at 11 a.m. Monday with Richard Black, retired Navy captain, as the emcee.

Legion Commander Cindy Jayne, chief petty officer (retired) U.S.Navy, will do the "pipe aboard" and all events will be underway.

Black will make introductions with Monty Fields, chief master sergeant (retired) USAF, making the annual Memorial Day address.

Flags will be then be dedicated and Pat Zlateff, LTC (retired) US Army, will place the memorial wreath.

American Legion Post 157 will provide the color guard and James Heuvel will tell of the meaning of "Taps".

A number of service club members of both the Rotary Club and Lions Club assist the American Legion every year.

If anyone has questions concerning the work party or the program they can call Ben Alling at 633-0663.


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