News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area

New laser show debuts this Saturday

The Bureau of Reclamation will begin showing the new laser light show on the face of Grand Coulee Dam, “One River, Many Voices,” this Saturday beginning at 10 p.m.

The new show incorporates the story of the area, beginning with how the land was formed, the original inhabitants of the area, why Grand Coulee Dam was developed and the numerous effects and benefits the dam has had on local communities and the nation.

The show replaces the original laser show developed in 1989, and which ran for 25 consecutive summers.

In 2011 the Bureau contracted with LumaLaser, Inc., from Eugene, Oregon, to develop a new show and replace the old laser system. A group of 14 stakeholders was formed to assist in the development of the script for the new show.

“One River, Many Voices” tells the story of Grand Coulee from people who have experienced the history. “The new show presents a balanced story, told from many perspectives,” said Lynne Brougher, public affairs officer at the dam.

The equipment to run the show, including the lasers, was replaced in 2013. Funding for the new show and equipment, some $1.6 million, was provided by the Bonneville Power Administration.

The show will run each evening through Sept. 30. In May, June and July, the show begins at 10 p.m. In August the show will start at 9:30 and in September the show will begin at 8:30.


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