News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area





The Star newspaper will be closed Monday, May 26, in observance of Memorial Day. The news and advertising deadline for the May 28 newspaper is Friday, May 23 at 5 p.m.


still on


Raffle tickets for the little playhouse are still on sale at Loepp Furniture for $1 each, The tickets will remain on sale until the Junior Rodeo, July 19-20. The playhouse is built annually by DWK Fowler Construction and donated to the Ridge Riders for the drawing. The drawing will be held during the Junior Rodeo.



Electric City council awarded the bid to supply a sewer pump to the city to Whitney Equipment. The bid was $11,319.79, and was the second low bid on the pump. City officials had recommended to the council that they award the bid to Whitney because they felt the pump from that bid was a superior pump. The low bid of $10,308,50, turned in by H.D. Fowler, of Wenatchee, was rejected.

Columbia Pumping and Construction submitted the winning bid for supplying sewer pipe lining for about 570 feet of sewer pipe. The bid was for a combination of 10-inch and 8-inch pipe, for $27,182. The bid was held open for additional taps as needed by vote of Electric City’s council. The taps would provide access to side sewers.

Old pickup

picked up

Electric City’s council voted to purchase a 1988 Chevrolet one-ton pickup that had been declared surplus at Grand Coulee. The price was $3,108.40.



A body found Monday morning in an irrigation canal above Summer Falls Dam is believed to be that of Scott Kolves of Ephrata, who went missing and was presumed drowned during a March 29 accident, Grant County Sheriff Tom Jones said.

An irrigation district employee found the body around 8 a.m. The site is not far from where the pickup truck in which Kolves and his three sons were riding went into the canal. Kolves’ 8-year-old son Korey died as a result of the accident. Kolves’ 10- and 12-year-old sons were rescued and survived.

“Scott Kolves’ family and loved ones have suffered while awaiting this recovery, and I pray they can find peace knowing we have found Scott’s body,” Jones said.


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