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Safety of children a concern on local road

I’m writing this letter to try to help out what could be a very serious problem on Roosevelt Drive in Grand Coulee.

We have a number of children on Roosevelt Drive, along with adults who walk down the center of the street. The children also ride their bikes down the center of the streets on Roosevelt as well as McGovern Street.

We are very fortunate that no accidents have happened yet, as a lot of cars do not stop at the stop sign on McGovern Street that enters on to Roosevelt Drive.

Last week a car came up Martin Road onto Roosevelt Drive at a high rate of speed, and then turned right onto McGovern Street.

If there would have been any children present on McGovern Street, their chances of being run over would have been close to 100 percent for as fast as the car was going as they would not have been able to stop in time!

Yes, you may say that this situation is none of my business, but I have suffered the loss of a child and I would not wish this on any parent!

Children will be children, but the parents have to guide them and explain to them, and show them the proper way to walk and ride bikes on the street in the proper manner.

To all of the motorists in the Grand Coulee Dam area, drive with care and be on the look out for our younger citizens, not only on Roosevelt Drive.

I’m just a citizen concerned for the safety of all children in our area and beyond.

Jerry Beierman

Grand Coulee


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