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RE: "Gas Critics don't know Jack" (May 14 editorial)

Letter to the Editor

It was nice reading a new perspective in this week’s editorial about our local gas prices. I don’t like paying more for gas than anyone else, but I believe the Positive greatly outweighs the Negative.

The Positive: Convenience, professionally run operations that represent our community well, service, jobs, jobs and jobs — for our local community.

The Negative: Slightly higher gas prices.

In my opinion, the Positive aspects greatly outweigh the Negative.

I have had the chance to meet several of the Madsens’ employees, all of which appreciate the opportunity to earn a wage so they can provide for their families. Local families, our neighbors. Being one of the larger employers in our area, we should embrace his businesses, which in turn supports our local work force and our local economy.

I should add, I do know Jack. I’m referencing Mr. Madsen here. As the previous article mentioned, I also know him to be generous, kind, professional and one who shows his care for our community through his actions, not just his words.

We will all do as we choose, but for me, I will choose to maintain my focus on what I believe is the bigger picture. Supporting local businesses that add to our community, supporting those local families that rely on these businesses for survival, and as a result, we support our local economy and community, right here — where we all call home.

Paul Kelly


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