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False economy?

Letter to the Editor

In discussing the possibility of attaching water meters to the irrigation system of West Coulee Dam, one fact has not been brought to the attention of the townspeople. It is a factor that should be considered very carefully before we arrive at a decision.

The sewer, potable water and irrigation water lines were installed in 1935-36. This makes them almost 70 years old. The type of piping used in the irrigation system is susceptible to rust and corrosion and becomes more brittle as it ages.

Sections of the irrigation line have begun to leak or, in the case of shut-off valves, seize up with rust and cannot be turned off if there is break in the line. Portions of the lines that have had to be replaced show tiny holes that have been invaded by tree roots. This simply enlarges the leaks. The result is a swampy area that continues to get worse. When an attempt is made to shut off the water, any extra strain on the shut-off valve causes the rusted valve to break and we have an even bigger expense. Repairs have been very expensive to the homeowners, averaging $4,000. I have no figures on what they cost the town in labor, equipment and replacement parts.

Before we determine how we are going to solve the water rate problem we should be aware that installing meters in West Coulee Dam could be come a very expensive solution for both the property owners and the town. Do we know how much putting in meters would add to city revenue? Over time this could be false economy, and all the residents of Coulee Dam could suffer from it.

I hope that this information will be considered carefully before we make a decision.

Carol Netzel

Coulee Dam


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