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Everyone made a difference in successful year

Letter to the Editor

All of the members of American Legion Post 157 in Electric City would like to thank everyone who helped to support our annual Summer Yard Sale event, this year. For all of those who donated items, all who came out to buy items, and all of the volunteers who helped us to organize, clean, and move all of the items, we thank each and everyone of you! Our Post was able to raise enough money, this year, to not only keep the doors open and lights on, but also to fund our Scholarship Award, and look at putting together some new community and veteran events throughout this year.

As commander, I would like to send a very special thank you to John Nordine, Jim Brakebill, Ben Alling, Greg Behrens, and Shawn Neider for all of the lifting, carrying, and moving of all the heavy “stuff”! You guys are awesome! I would also like to send out a very special thank you to Donna Shear and “Big” Mike for all of the volunteer hours you both put in to help make our Yard Sale a successful event and for also working so hard to get all of the 101 coats and winter items ready for our Free Coat Give Away in November!

Our veterans and our community are very important to each and every one of us; however, without the support of great people, hard workers, and volunteers we would not be successful. Thank you, all! Everyone makes a difference, and this year it certainly has shown!


Cindy Jayne

Commander, American Legion Post 157


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